Yongping Li (李永平)
Cited by
Cited by
Global identification of alternative splicing via comparative analysis of SMRT‐and Illumina‐based RNA‐seq in strawberry
Y Li, C Dai, C Hu, Z Liu, C Kang
The Plant Journal 90 (1), 164-176, 2017
Reduced Anthocyanins in Petioles codes for a GST anthocyanin transporter that is essential for the foliage and fruit coloration in strawberry
H Luo, C Dai, Y Li, J Feng, Z Liu, C Kang
Journal of experimental botany 69 (10), 2595-2608, 2018
Updated annotation of the wild strawberry Fragaria vesca V4 genome
CK Yongping Li, Mengting Pi, Qi Gao, Zhongchi Liu
Horticulture research 6 (61), 2019
Evolution of self-compatibility by a mutant Sm-RNase in citrus
M Liang, Z Cao, A Zhu, Y Liu, M Tao, H Yang, Q Xu Jr, S Wang, J Liu, Y Li, ...
Nature plants 6 (2), 131-142, 2020
Genetic modulation of RAP alters fruit coloration in both wild and cultivated strawberry
Q Gao, H Luo, Y Li, Z Liu, C Kang
Plant biotechnology journal 18 (7), 1550-1561, 2020
Genome re-annotation of the wild strawberry Fragaria vesca using extensive Illumina- and SMRT-based RNA-seq datasets
Y Li, W Wei, J Feng, H Luo, M Pi, Z Liu, C Kang
DNA Research 25 (1), 61-70, 2018
Conserved and novel roles of miR164‐CUC2 regulatory module in specifying leaf and floral organ morphology in strawberry
G Zheng, W Wei, Y Li, L Kan, F Wang, X Zhang, F Li, Z Liu, C Kang
New Phytologist 224 (1), 480-492, 2019
Reannotation of the cultivated strawberry genome and establishment of a strawberry genome database
T Liu, M Li, Z Liu, X Ai, Y Li
Horticulture research 8, 2021
Comprehensive analysis of CCCH-type zinc finger gene family in citrus (Clementine mandarin) by genome-wide characterization
S Liu, MRG Khan, Y Li, J Zhang, C Hu
Molecular genetics and genomics 289, 855-872, 2014
Gene Expression Profiling of the Shoot Meristematic Tissues in Woodland Strawberry Fragaria vesca
Y Li, J Feng, L Cheng, C Dai, Q Gao, Z Liu, C Kang
Frontiers in Plant Science 10, 1624, 2019
Genome-wide genetic variation and comparison of fruit-associated traits between kumquat (Citrus japonica) and Clementine mandarin (Citrus clementina)
TJ Liu, YP Li, JJ Zhou, CG Hu, JZ Zhang
Plant molecular biology 96, 493-507, 2018
Alleviating sweetpotato salt tolerance through exogenous glutathione and melatonin: a profound mechanism for active oxygen detoxification and preservation of photosynthetic organs
S Kumar, Y Liu, M Wang, MN Khan, S Wang, Y Li, Y Chen, G Zhu
Chemosphere 350, 141120, 2024
Identification of the Genetic Variation and Gene Exchange between Citrus Trifoliata and Citrus Clementina
CGH Liu, Tian-Jia, Jing-Jing Zhou, Fa-Yi Chen, Zhi-Meng Gan, Yong-Ping Li ...
biomolecules, 2018
The transcriptional landscape of cultivated strawberry (Fragaria× ananassa) and its diploid ancestor (Fragaria vesca) during fruit development
Y Li, T Liu, H Luo, S Liu
Journal of Integrative Agriculture 20 (6), 1540-1553, 2021
Comparison of red raspberry and wild strawberry fruits reveals mechanisms of fruit type specification
J Zhou, M Li, Y Li, Y Xiao, X Luo, S Gao, Z Ma, N Sadowski, W Timp, ...
Plant Physiology 193 (2), 1016-1035, 2023
Genome reannotation of the sweetpotato (Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam.) using extensive Nanopore and Illumina-based RNA-seq datasets
B Liang, Y Zhou, T Liu, M Wang, Y Liu, Y Liu, Y Li, G Zhu
Tropical Plants 3 (1), 2024
Genome and transcriptome analysis of NF-Y transcription factors in sweet potato under salt stress
B Liang, J Wu, Y Chen, B Wang, F Gao, Y Li, G Zhu
Horticulturae 10 (8), 798, 2024
Global characterization of somatic mutations and DNA methylation changes during vegetative propagation in strawberries
S Hu, X Zeng, Y Liu, Y Li, M Qu, WB Jiao, Y Han, C Kang
Genome Research 34 (10), 1582-1594, 2024
Paternal CHH methylation potentiates stress responses against Pseudomonas syringae in Arabidopsis progenies
Y Li, T Liu, EYM Leung, X Zhao, G Zhu, DWK Ng
bioRxiv, 2023.05. 10.540197, 2023
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Articles 1–19