Hock Jin Quah
Hock Jin Quah
Institute of Nano Optoelectronics Research and Technology (INOR), Universiti Sains Malaysia
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Effects of postdeposition annealing in argon ambient on metallorganic decomposed CeO2 gate spin coated on silicon
HJ Quah, KY Cheong, Z Hassan, Z Lockman, FA Jasni, WF Lim
Journal of the Electrochemical Society 157 (1), H6, 2009
Effects of CNTs content and milling time on mechanical behavior of MWCNT-reinforced aluminum nanocomposites
F Ostovan, KA Matori, M Toozandehjani, A Oskoueian, HM Yusoff, ...
Materials Chemistry and Physics 166, 160-166, 2015
Investigation on structural and optical properties of SLS–ZnO glasses prepared using a conventional melt quenching technique
MHM Zaid, KA Matori, HJ Quah, WF Lim, HAA Sidek, MK Halimah, ...
Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics 26 (6), 3722-3729, 2015
Effects of post-deposition annealing ambient on Y 2 O 3 gate deposited on silicon by RF magnetron sputtering
HJ Quah, KY Cheong
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 529, 73-83, 2012
Comparison of metal-organic decomposed (MOD) cerium oxide (CeO 2) gate deposited on GaN and SiC substrates
HJ Quah, WF Lim, KY Cheong, Z Hassan, Z Lockman
Journal of Crystal Growth 326 (1), 2-8, 2011
Electrical properties of pulsed laser deposited Y2O3 gate oxide on 4H–SiC
HJ Quah, WF Lim, SC Wimbush, Z Lockman, KY Cheong
Electrochemical and Solid State Letters 13 (11), H396, 2010
Study the effect of ZnO on physical and elastic properties of (ZnO)x(P2O5)1-x glasses using non-destructive ultrasonic method
MSMG Khamirul Amin Matori, Mohd Hafiz Mohd Zaid, Hock Jin Quah, Sidek Hj ...
Advances in Materials Science and Engineering, 2014
Effect of postdeposition annealing in oxygen ambient on gallium-nitride-based MOS capacitors with cerium oxide gate
HJ Quah, KY Cheong, Z Hassan, Z Lockman
IEEE transactions on electron devices 58 (1), 122-131, 2010
Effects of post-deposition annealing temperature in nitrogen/oxygen/nitrogen ambient on polycrystalline gallium oxide films
PHMA Hedei, Z Hassan, HJ Quah
Applied Surface Science 550, 149340, 2021
Investigation of forming-gas annealed CeO2 thin film on GaN
HJ Quah, KY Cheong, Z Hassan, Z Lockman
Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics 22, 583-591, 2011
Deposition and post-deposition annealing of thin Y 2 O 3 film on n-type Si in argon ambient
HJ Quah, KY Cheong
Materials Chemistry and Physics 130 (3), 1007-1015, 2011
Effects of ammonia-ambient annealing on physical and electrical characteristics of rare earth CeO2 as passivation film on silicon
HJ Quah, Z Hassan, FK Yam, NM Ahmed, MAM Salleh, KA Matori, WF Lim
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 695, 3104-3115, 2017
Effects of post-deposition annealing ambient on chemical, structural, and electrical properties of RF magnetron sputtered Y 2 O 3 gate on gallium nitride
HJ Quah, KY Cheong
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 575, 382-392, 2013
Effects of annealing time on the electrical properties of the Y2O3 gate on silicon
HJ Quah, KY Cheong
Journal of Experimental Nanoscience 10 (1), 19-28, 2015
Effects of post-deposition annealing ambient on band alignment of RF magnetron-sputtered Y2O3 film on gallium nitride
HJ Quah, KY Cheong
Nanoscale research letters 8, 1-7, 2013
Study on Gallium Nitride-Based Metal–Oxide–Semiconductor Capacitors With RF Magnetron Sputtered Gate
HJ Quah, KY Cheong
IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices 59 (11), 3009-3016, 2012
Effects of N2O postdeposition annealing on metal-organic decomposed CeO2 gate oxide spin-coated on GaN substrate
HJ Quah, KY Cheong, Z Hassan, Z Lockman
Journal of The Electrochemical Society 158 (4), H423, 2011
MOS characteristics of metallorganic-decomposed CeO2 spin-coated on GaN
HJ Quah, KY Cheong, Z Hassan, Z Lockman
Electrochemical and Solid State Letters 13 (4), H116, 2010
Characterization of Waste Material Derived Willemite-based Glass-Ceramics Doped with Erbium
HRB G. V. Sarrigani, Hock Jin Quah, Way foong Lim, Khamirul Amin Matori, N ...
Advances in Materials Science and Engineering, 2015
Stimulation of silicon carbide nanotubes formation using different ratios of carbon nanotubes to silicon dioxide nanopowders
HJ Quah, KY Cheong, Z Lockman
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 475 (1-2), 565-568, 2009
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Articles 1–20