Dr.Reddappa H.N.
Dr.Reddappa H.N.
Associate Professor
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Cited by
Aluminium composites fabrication technique and effect of improvement in their mechanical properties–A review
M Ravikumar, HN Reddappa, R Suresh
Materials Today: Proceedings 5 (11), 23796-23805, 2018
HVOF sprayed Ni3Ti and Ni3Ti+ (Cr3C2+ 20NiCr) coatings: Microstructure, microhardness and oxidation behaviour
NC Reddy, BSA Kumar, HN Reddappa, MR Ramesh, PG Koppad, S Kord
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 736, 236-245, 2018
A Review on Particulate Reinforced Aluminum Metal Matrix Composites
HNRVA Sallahauddin Attar, Madeva Nagaral
Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (ISSN:2349-5162), 2 …, 0
Mechanical, structural and corrosion behaviour of AlMg4. 5/Nano Al2O3 metal matrix composites
A Chandrashekar, BS Ajaykumar, HN Reddappa
Materials Today: Proceedings 5 (1), 2811-2817, 2018
Study on Mechanical and Tribological Characterization of Al2O3/SiCp Reinforced Aluminum Metal Matrix Composite
M Ravikumar, HN Reddappa, R Suresh
Silicon 10 (6), 2535-2545, 2018
Dry sliding friction and wear behavior of Aluminum/Beryl composites
HN Reddappa, KR Suresh, HB Niranjan, KG Satyanarayana
International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, Dindigul 2 (2), 502-511, 2011
Mechanical and Wear behavior of Al7075/Al2O3/SiC Hybrid Composite
SR M RaviKumara, Reddappa H N
Materials Today: Proceedings 5, 5573–5579, 2018
Experimental studies of different quenching media on mechanical and wear behavior of Al7075/SiC/Al2O3 hybrid composites
M Ravikumar, HN Reddappa, R Suresh, MS Reddy
Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale 15 (55), 20-31, 2021
Mechanical behavior of Al7025-B4C particulate reinforced composites
M Nagaral, S Attar, HN Reddappa, V Auradi, S Kumar, S Raghu
Journal of applied mechanical engineering 4 (6), 1-4, 2015
Studies on 3 and 9 wt.% of B4C particulates reinforced Al7025 alloy composites
M Nagaral, V Auradi, SA Kori, HN Reddappa, J Jayachandran, ...
AIP conference proceedings 1859 (1), 2017
Influence of reinforcements and heat treatment on mechanical and wear properties of Al7075 based hybrid composites
M. Sreenivasa Reddy, Dr. Soma. V. Chetty, Dr. Sudheer Premkumar, Reddappa H N
Journal of Procedia Materials Science, 5, Pages 508–516., 2014
Effect of filling ratio on thermal performance of closed loop pulsating heat pipe
ER Babu, HN Reddappa, GVG Reddy
Materials Today: Proceedings 5 (10), 22229-22236, 2018
Effect of B4C particulates addition on wear properties of Al7025 alloy composites
S Attar, M Nagaral, HN Reddappa, V Auradi
American Journal of Materials Science 5 (3C), 53-57, 2015
Studies on mechanical and wear properties of Al6061/Beryl composites
RH Reddappa, KR Suresh, HB Niranjan, KG Satyanarayana
Journal of Minerals and Materials Characterization and Engineering 11 (7 …, 2012
Optimization of wear behaviour of Al7075/SiC/Al2O3 MMCs Using statistical method
M Ravikumar, HN Reddappa, R Suresh, ER Babu, CR Nagaraja
Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies 8 (4), 4018-4035, 2022
Mechanical and wear characterization of Al6061 red mud composites
M Gangadharappa, HN Reddappa, M RaviKumar, R Suresh
Materials Today: Proceedings 5 (10), 22384-22389, 2018
Study on Micro-nano sized Al2O3 particles on mechanical, wear and fracture behavior of Al7075 metal matrix composites
M Ravikumar, HN Reddappa, R Suresh, ER Babu, CR Nagaraja
Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale 15 (58), 166-178, 2021
Investigation on hardness of Al 7075/Al2O3/SiCp hybrid composite using taguchi technique
M Ravikumar, HN Reddappa, R Suresh, M Gangadharappa
Materials Today: Proceedings 5 (10), 22447-22453, 2018
Effect of heat treatment on tensile strength of Al7075/Al2O3/SiCp hybrid composite by stir casting technique
MR Kumar, HN Reddappa, R Suresh, M Gangadharappa
Materials Today: Proceedings 5 (10), 22460-22465, 2018
Electrical insulating properties of natural fibre reinforced polymer composites; a review
N Nayak, HN Reddappa, G Kalagi, V Bhat
International Journal of Engineering Research 6 (8), 166-171, 2017
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Articles 1–20