A B M Tahidul Haque
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Cited by
Liquid metal–elastomer soft composites with independently controllable and highly tunable droplet size and volume loading
R Tutika, S Kmiec, ABMT Haque, SW Martin, MD Bartlett
ACS applied materials & interfaces 11 (19), 17873-17883, 2019
Shape morphing mechanical metamaterials through reversible plasticity
D Hwang, EJ Barron III, ABMT Haque, MD Bartlett
Science robotics 7 (63), eabg2171, 2022
Octopus-inspired adhesive skins for intelligent and rapidly switchable underwater adhesion
ST Frey, ABMT Haque, R Tutika, EV Krotz, C Lee, CB Haverkamp, ...
Science Advances 8 (28), eabq1905, 2022
Programmable liquid metal microstructures for multifunctional soft thermal composites
ABMT Haque, R Tutika, RL Byrum, MD Bartlett
Advanced Functional Materials 30 (25), 2000832, 2020
Self-healing liquid metal composite for reconfigurable and recyclable soft electronics
R Tutika, ABMT Haque, MD Bartlett
Communications Materials 2 (1), 64, 2021
Optimization of viscoelastic metamaterials for vibration attenuation properties
RF Ghachi, WI Alnahhal, O Abdeljaber, J Renno, ABM Tahidul Haque, ...
International Journal of Applied Mechanics 12 (10), 2050116, 2020
Conductive liquid metal elastomer thin films with multifunctional electro-mechanical properties
ABMT Haque, R Tutika, M Gao, A Martinez, J Mills, JA Clement, J Gao, ...
Multifunctional Materials 3 (4), 044001, 2020
Graded Kirigami Composites for Programmed Strain Distributions
ABMT Haque, D Hwang, MD Bartlett
Advanced Materials Technologies 7 (7), 2101241, 2022
Electrically conductive liquid metal composite adhesives for reversible bonding of soft electronics
ABMT Haque, DH Ho, D Hwang, R Tutika, C Lee, MD Bartlett
Advanced Functional Materials, 2304101, 2023
Generalized spatial aliasing solution for the dispersion analysis of infinitely periodic multilayered composites using the finite element method
ABM Tahidul Haque, RF Ghachi, WI Alnahhal, A Aref, J Shim
Journal of Vibration and Acoustics 139 (5), 051010, 2017
Sagittal plane waves in infinitely periodic multilayered composites composed of alternating viscoelastic and elastic solids
ABM Tahidul Haque, RF Ghachi, WI Alnahhal, A Aref, J Shim
Journal of Applied Mechanics 85 (4), 041001, 2018
On spatial aliasing in the phononic band-structure of layered composites
ABMT Haque, J Shim
International Journal of Solids and Structures 96, 380-392, 2016
Hybrid split Hopkinson pressure bar to identify impulse-dependent wave characteristics of viscoelastic phononic crystals
A Haque, RF Ghachi, WI Alnahhal, A Aref, J Shim
Experimental Mechanics 59, 95-109, 2019
Liquid Metal-Elastomer Soft Composites with Independently Controllable and Highly Tunable Droplet Size and Volume Loading, ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces. 11 (2019) 17873 …
R Tutika, S Kmiec, ABMT Haque, SW Martin, MD Bartlett
Reprogrammable Mechanics via Individually Switchable Bistable Unit Cells in a Prestrained Chiral Metamaterial
ABM Tahidul Haque, S Ferracin, JR Raney
Advanced Materials Technologies, 2400474, 2024
Flexural Vibration Attenuation Properties of Phononic Crystals
RF Ghachi, WI Alnahhal, ABMT Haque, JM Shim, A Aref
Key Engineering Materials 821, 414-418, 2019
Liquid Metal Microstructures: Programmable Liquid Metal Microstructures for Multifunctional Soft Thermal Composites (Adv. Funct. Mater. 25/2020).
ABM Haque, R Tutika, RL Byrum, MD Bartlett
Advanced Functional Materials 30 (25), 2020
Liquid Metal-Elastomer Soft Composites with Independently Controllable and Highly Tunable Droplet Size and Volume Loading
M Bartlett, R Tutika, S Kmiec, S Martin, ABM Haque
Wave Motion in 1-D Viscoelastic Phononic Crystals: A Comprehensive Analytical, Numerical and Experimental Study
ABMT Haque
State University of New York at Buffalo, 2018
Reprogrammable Mechanics via Individually Switchable Bistable Unit Cells in a Prestrained Chiral Metamaterial
Advanced Materials Technologies, 0
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Articles 1–20