Jim McLaughlin
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Cited by
High resolution XPS characterization of chemical functionalised MWCNTs and SWCNTs
TIT Okpalugo, P Papakonstantinou, H Murphy, J McLaughlin, NMD Brown
Carbon 43 (1), 153-161, 2005
The linear and non-linear electrical properties of the electrode-electrolyte interface
ET McAdams, A Lackermeier, JA McLaughlin, D Macken, J Jossinet
Biosensors and bioelectronics 10 (1-2), 67-74, 1995
Mechanical stability, corrosion performance and bioresponse of amorphous diamond-like carbon for medical stents and guidewires
PD Maguire, JA McLaughlin, TIT Okpalugo, P Lemoine, ...
Diamond and Related materials 14 (8), 1277-1288, 2005
The effects of Si incorporation on the electrochemical and nanomechanical properties of DLC thin films
P Papakonstantinou, JF Zhao, P Lemoine, ET McAdams, JA McLaughlin
Diamond and related materials 11 (3-6), 1074-1080, 2002
Enhanced and stable field emission from in situ nitrogen-doped few-layered graphene nanoflakes
N Soin, S Sinha Roy, S Roy, KS Hazra, DS Misra, TH Lim, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 115 (13), 5366-5372, 2011
Oxidative functionalization of carbon nanotubes in atmospheric pressure filamentary dielectric barrier discharge (APDBD)
TIT Okpalugo, P Papakonstantinou, H Murphy, J Mclaughlin, NMD Brown
Carbon 43 (14), 2951-2959, 2005
Platelet adhesion on silicon modified hydrogenated amorphous carbon films
TIT Okpalugo, AA Ogwu, PD Maguire, JAD McLaughlin
Biomaterials 25 (2), 239-245, 2004
A community-based IoT personalized wireless healthcare solution trial
PA Catherwood, D Steele, M Little, S Mccomb, J McLaughlin
IEEE journal of translational engineering in health and medicine 6, 1-13, 2018
Graphene oxide for electrochemical sensing applications
S Roy, N Soin, R Bajpai, DS Misra, JA McLaughlin, SS Roy
Journal of Materials Chemistry 21 (38), 14725-14731, 2011
Aloe vera assisted facile green synthesis of reduced graphene oxide for electrochemical and dye removal applications
G Bhattacharya, S Sas, S Wadhwa, A Mathur, J McLaughlin, SS Roy
RSC advances 7 (43), 26680-26688, 2017
Nanocrystalline ruthenium oxide dispersed Few Layered Graphene (FLG) nanoflakes as supercapacitor electrodes
N Soin, SS Roy, SK Mitra, T Thundat, JA McLaughlin
Journal of Materials Chemistry 22 (30), 14944-14950, 2012
Characterisation of PMMA microfluidic channels and devices fabricated by hot embossing and sealed by direct bonding
A Mathur, SS Roy, M Tweedie, S Mukhopadhyay, SK Mitra, ...
Current Applied Physics 9 (6), 1199-1202, 2009
Comparison between FTIR and XPS characterization of amino acid glycine adsorption onto diamond-like carbon (DLC) and silicon doped DLC
MH Ahmed, JA Byrne, JAD McLaughlin, A Elhissi, W Ahmed
Applied surface science 273, 507-514, 2013
Piezoelectric sensor determination of arterial pulse wave velocity
J McLaughlin, M McNeill, B Braun, PD McCormack
Physiological measurement 24 (3), 693, 2003
Quasi-periodic pulsations in solar and stellar flares: a review of underpinning physical mechanisms and their predicted observational signatures
IV Zimovets, JA McLaughlin, AK Srivastava, DY Kolotkov, AA Kuznetsov, ...
Space Science Reviews 217 (5), 66, 2021
Characterisation of thermally annealed diamond like carbon (DLC) and silicon modified DLC films by Raman spectroscopy
AA Ogwu, RW Lamberton, S Morley, P Maguire, J McLaughlin
Physica B: Condensed Matter 269 (3-4), 335-344, 1999
A study of microstructure and nanomechanical properties of silicon incorporated DLC films deposited on silicon substrates
JF Zhao, P Lemoine, ZH Liu, JP Quinn, P Maguire, JA McLaughlin
Diamond and related materials 10 (3-7), 1070-1075, 2001
Properties of diamond like carbon thin film coatings on stainless steel medical guidewires
JA McLaughlin, B Meenan, P Maguire, N Jamieson
Diamond and related materials 5 (3-5), 486-491, 1996
Experimental and numerical investigation of capillary flow in SU8 and PDMS microchannels with integrated pillars
AA Saha, SK Mitra, M Tweedie, S Roy, J McLaughlin
Microfluidics and nanofluidics 7, 451-465, 2009
Replacing the metal electrodes in triboelectric nanogenerators: High-performance laser-induced graphene electrodes
P Zhao, G Bhattacharya, SJ Fishlock, JGM Guy, A Kumar, C Tsonos, Z Yu, ...
Nano Energy 75, 104958, 2020
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