Margarita DiVall
Margarita DiVall
Clinical Professor School of Pharmacy, Bouve College of Health Sciences, Northeastern University
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Using Facebook to facilitate course-related discussion between students and faculty members
MV DiVall, JL Kirwin
American journal of pharmaceutical education 76 (2), 32, 2012
A checklist for the development of faculty mentorship programs
AV Law, MM Bottenberg, AH Brozick, JD Currie, MV DiVall, ST Haines, ...
American journal of pharmaceutical education 78 (5), 98, 2014
Improving and restoring the well-being and resilience of pharmacy students during a pandemic
LS Schlesselman, J Cain, M DiVall
American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education 84 (6), ajpe8144, 2020
A faculty toolkit for formative assessment in pharmacy education
MV DiVall, GL Alston, E Bird, SM Buring, KA Kelley, NL Murphy, ...
American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education 78 (9), 160, 2014
A virtual patient software program to improve pharmacy student learning in a comprehensive disease management course
MA Douglass, JP Casale, JA Skirvin, MV DiVall
American journal of pharmaceutical education 77 (8), 172, 2013
Perceptions of pharmacy students, faculty members, and administrators on the use of technology in the classroom
MV DiVall, MS Hayney, W Marsh, MW Neville, S O’Barr, ED Sheets, ...
American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education 77 (4), 75, 2013
Social media as an engagement tool for schools and colleges of pharmacy
E Chen, M DiVall
American journal of pharmaceutical education 82 (4), 6562, 2018
Report of the 2013-2014 academic affairs committee
J Cain, JM Conway, MV DiVall, BL Erstad, PR Lockman, JC Ressler, ...
American journal of pharmaceutical education 78 (10), 2014
Follow-up assessment of a faculty peer observation and evaluation program
M DiVall, J Barr, M Gonyeau, SJ Matthews, J Van Amburgh, D Qualters, ...
American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education 76 (4), 61, 2012
A review of strategies for designing, administering, and using student ratings of instruction
MS Medina, WT Smith, S Kolluru, EA Sheaffer, M DiVall
American journal of pharmaceutical education 83 (5), 7177, 2019
Curricular and co-curricular coverage of leadership competencies and the influence of extracurricular engagement on leadership development
M Tucci, K Tong, K Chia, M DiVall
American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education 83 (2), 6535, 2019
A simulated hospital pharmacy module using an electronic medical record in a pharmaceutical care skills laboratory course
JL Kirwin, MV DiVall, C Guerra, T Brown
American journal of pharmaceutical education 77 (3), 62, 2013
Development of a peer teaching-assessment program and a peer observation and evaluation tool
JM Trujillo, MV DiVall, J Barr, M Gonyeau, JA Van Amburgh, SJ Matthews, ...
American journal of pharmaceutical education 72 (6), 2008
Best practices related to examination item construction and post-hoc review
MJ Rudolph, KK Daugherty, ME Ray, VP Shuford, L Lebovitz, MV DiVall
American journal of pharmaceutical education 83 (7), 7204, 2019
School-wide clinical intervention system to document pharmacy students' impact on patient care
MV DiVall, B Zikaras, D Copeland, M Gonyeau
American journal of pharmaceutical education 74 (1), 14, 2010
Integration of the Pharmacists’ Patient Care Process (PPCP) into a comprehensive disease management course Series
MJ Gonyeau, M DiVall, MP Conley, J Lancaster
American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education 82 (6), 6311, 2018
Delivery of educational content via Instagram
TP Gauthier, J Bratberg, K Loi, MV DiVall
Medical education 50 (5), 575-576, 2016
Interprofessional socialization as a way to introduce collaborative competencies to first-year health science students
MV DiVall, L Kolbig, M Carney, J Kirwin, C Letzeiser, S Mohammed
Journal of interprofessional care 28 (6), 576-578, 2014
A reflective teaching challenge to motivate educational innovation
RA Edwards, J Kirwin, M Gonyeau, SJ Matthews, J Lancaster, M DiVall
American journal of pharmaceutical education 78 (5), 103, 2014
Antibiotic-stewardship practices at top academic centers throughout the United States and at hospitals throughout Massachusetts
TF Barlam, M DiVall
Infection Control & Hospital Epidemiology 27 (7), 695-703, 2006
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Articles 1–20