Akif Zia Khan
Akif Zia Khan
Senior Scientist, Hitachi Energy
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Cited by
Smart Distribution Networks: A Review of Modern Distribution Concepts from a Planning Perspective
SAA Kazmi, MK Shehzad, AZ Khan, DR Shin
Energies 10 (4), 501, 2017
Transformer failures, causes & impact
ST Jan, R Afzal, AZ Khan
International conference on data mining, civil and mechanical engineering, 49-52, 2015
A comprehensive overview on the architecture of Hybrid Electric Vehicles (HEV)
AZ Khan
19th IEEE INMIC Conference, 2017
Exploiting the Inherent Flexibility in Transmission Network for Optimal Scheduling, Wind Power Utilization, and Network Congestion Management
M Numan, AZ Khan, M Asif, SM Malik, K Imran
IEEE Access, 2021
Optimization of economic load dispatch problem by linear programming modified methodology
A Ashfaq, AZ Khan
2nd International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering and …, 2014
Generation expansion planning considering externalities for large scale integration of renewable energy
AZ Khan, S Yingyun, A Ashfaq
2014 IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Energy and Power Systems …, 2014
Optimization of economic dispatch problem integrated with stochastic demand side response
A Ashfaq, S Yingyun, AZ Khan
2014 IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Energy and Power Systems …, 2014
Design, Analysis and Performance Characterization of Dual-Active-Bridge DC-DC Converter Utilizing Three-Phase Resonant Immittance Network
AZ Khan, KH Loo, YM Lai
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 2018
Feasibility, emission and fuel requirement analysis of hybrid car versus solar electric car: a comparative study
I Safdar, A Raza, AZ Khan, E Ali
International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 2017
A comprehensive overview on the impact of widespread deployment of Electric Vehicles on Power Grid
AZ Khan
IEEE International Conference on Smart Grid and Smart Cities, Nanyang …, 2017
A Three-Phase Dual-Active-Bridge DC-DC Converter with Reconfigurable Resonant Network for Efficient Wide Voltage Range Operation
AZ Khan, KH Loo
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 2019
Switched-capacitor-inductor-based differential power converter for solar PV modules
KAK Niazi, Y Yang, J He, AZ Khan, D Sera
2019 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), 4613-4618, 2019
A Multi-Structure, Multi-Mode Three-Phase Dual-Active-Bridge Converter Targeting Wide-Range High-Efficiency Performance
AZ Khan, YP Chan, M Yaqoob, KH Loo, P Davari, F Blaabjerg
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 2020
Economic planning of network for integration of renewable: A review
HM Bilal, AZ Khan
2015 Power Generation System and Renewable Energy Technologies (PGSRET), 1-3, 2015
Enhancing sustainability in electric mobility: Exploring blockchain applications for secure EV charging and energy management
MT Rana, M Numan, M Yousif, T Hussain, AZ Khan, X Zhao
Computers and Electrical Engineering 119, 109503, 2024
A Three-Phase Dual-Active-Bridge DC-DC Immittance Converter
AZ Khan, KH Loo, YM Lai
10th Annual IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Expo (ECCE), Portland …, 2018
A study on GaN based converters for the application of power conditioning of photovoltaic systems
ST Jan, AZ Khan, AK Janjua, ZN Ahmad, N Iqbal
IEEE International Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE), 2017
Transformer's Core Size Optimizaiton Using Genetic Algorithm
AK Janjua, SN Mughal, AZ Khan
2015 6th International Conference on Intelligent Systems, Modelling and …, 2015
Implementation of intelligent AGC in PSAT for optimal use in Smart Grids
SM Malik, S Yingyun, AZ Khan
2014 IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Energy and Power Systems …, 2014
Performance Evaluation of Digital Governor for Improving Operational Efficiency and Reliability of Power Plant
M Nawaz, F Zulfiqar, M Bilal, AZ Khan
Sarhad University International Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences 4 (1), 1-9, 2017
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Articles 1–20