Robert Gros
Robert Gros
Robarts Research Institute, Department of Physiology and Pharmacology and Medicine, Western
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Cardiomyocyte overexpression of iNOS in mice results in peroxynitrite generation, heart block, and sudden death
IN Mungrue, R Gros, X You, A Pirani, A Azad, T Csont, R Schulz, J Butany, ...
The Journal of clinical investigation 109 (6), 735-743, 2002
A role for endoglin in coupling eNOS activity and regulating vascular tone revealed in hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia
M Toporsian, R Gros, MG Kabir, S Vera, K Govindaraju, DH Eidelman, ...
Circulation research 96 (6), 684-692, 2005
G-protein-coupled receptor kinase activity is increased in hypertension.
R Gros, JL Benovic, CM Tan, RD Feldman
The Journal of clinical investigation 99 (9), 2087-2093, 1997
Cardiac function in mice lacking the glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor
R Gros, X You, LL Baggio, MG Kabir, AM Sadi, IN Mungrue, TG Parker, ...
Endocrinology 144 (6), 2242-2252, 2003
GPR30 expression is required for the mineralocorticoid receptor–independent rapid vascular effects of aldosterone
R Gros, Q Ding, LA Sklar, EE Prossnitz, JB Arterburn, J Chorazyczewski, ...
Hypertension 57 (3), 442-451, 2011
Conditional cardiac overexpression of endothelin-1 induces inflammation and dilated cardiomyopathy in mice
LL Yang, R Gros, MG Kabir, A Sadi, AI Gotlieb, M Husain, DJ Stewart
Circulation 109 (2), 255-261, 2004
Aldosterone regulates vascular reactivity: short-term effects mediated by phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase–dependent nitric oxide synthase activation
SL Liu, S Schmuck, JZ Chorazcyzewski, R Gros, RD Feldman
Circulation 108 (19), 2400-2406, 2003
Aldosterone mediates its rapid effects in vascular endothelial cells through GPER activation
R Gros, Q Ding, B Liu, J Chorazyczewski, RD Feldman
American Journal of Physiology-Cell Physiology 304 (6), C532-C540, 2013
Naringenin prevents cholesterol-induced systemic inflammation, metabolic dysregulation, and atherosclerosis in Ldlr−/− mice [S]
JM Assini, EE Mulvihill, BG Sutherland, DE Telford, CG Sawyez, ...
Journal of lipid research 54 (3), 711-724, 2013
G-protein–coupled receptor kinase activity in hypertension: Increased vascular and lymphocyte G-protein receptor kinase-2 protein expression
R Gros, J Chorazyczewski, MD Meek, JL Benovic, SSG Ferguson, ...
Hypertension 35 (1), 38-42, 2000
Regulation of cholinergic activity by the vesicular acetylcholine transporter
VF Prado, A Roy, B Kolisnyk, R Gros, MAM Prado
Biochemical Journal 450 (2), 265-274, 2013
ChAT–ChR2–EYFP mice have enhanced motor endurance but show deficits in attention and several additional cognitive domains
B Kolisnyk, MS Guzman, S Raulic, J Fan, AC Magalhaes, G Feng, R Gros, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 33 (25), 10427-10438, 2013
Estradiol-mediated ERK phosphorylation and apoptosis in vascular smooth muscle cells requires GPR 30
Q Ding, R Gros, LE Limbird, J Chorazyczewski, RD Feldman
American Journal of Physiology-Cell Physiology 297 (5), C1178-C1187, 2009
Fibroblast growth factor 9 delivery during angiogenesis produces durable, vasoresponsive microvessels wrapped by smooth muscle cells
MJ Frontini, Z Nong, R Gros, M Drangova, C O'neil, MN Rahman, O Akawi, ...
Nature biotechnology 29 (5), 421-427, 2011
Cardiomyocyte-secreted acetylcholine is required for maintenance of homeostasis in the heart
A Roy, WC Fields, C Rocha-Resende, RR Resende, S Guatimosim, ...
The FASEB Journal 27 (12), 5072, 2013
Conditional and targeted overexpression of vascular chymase causes hypertension in transgenic mice
H Ju, R Gros, X You, S Tsang, M Husain, M Rabinovitch
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 98 (13), 7469-7474, 2001
Effects of age, gender, and blood pressure on myogenic responses of mesenteric arteries from C57BL/6 mice
R Gros, R Van Wert, X You, E Thorin, M Husain
American Journal of Physiology-Heart and Circulatory Physiology 282 (1 …, 2002
Plasma membrane calcium ATPase overexpression in arterial smooth muscle increases vasomotor responsiveness and blood pressure
R Gros, T Afroze, XM You, G Kabir, R Van Wert, W Kalair, AE Hoque, ...
Circulation research 93 (7), 614-621, 2003
Dysautonomia due to reduced cholinergic neurotransmission causes cardiac remodeling and heart failure
A Lara, DD Damasceno, R Pires, R Gros, ER Gomes, M Gavioli, RF Lima, ...
Molecular and Cellular Biology, 2010
Non-neuronal cholinergic machinery present in cardiomyocytes offsets hypertrophic signals
C Rocha-Resende, A Roy, R Resende, MS Ladeira, A Lara, ...
Journal of molecular and cellular cardiology 53 (2), 206-216, 2012
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