osame kinouchi
osame kinouchi
Associated professor, Physics Department, FFCLRP, USP
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Cited by
Optimal dynamical range of excitable networks at criticality
O Kinouchi, M Copelli
Nature physics 2 (5), 348-351, 2006
Is it possible to compare researchers with different scientific interests?
PD Batista, MG Campiteli, O Kinouchi
Scientometrics 68 (1), 179-189, 2006
Speech graphs provide a quantitative measure of thought disorder in psychosis
NB Mota, NAP Vasconcelos, N Lemos, AC Pieretti, O Kinouchi, GA Cecchi, ...
PloS one 7 (4), e34928, 2012
Optimal generalization in perceptrons
O Kinouchi, N Caticha
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 25 (23), 6243, 1992
Phase transitions and self-organized criticality in networks of stochastic spiking neurons
L Brochini, A de Andrade Costa, M Abadi, AC Roque, J Stolfi, O Kinouchi
Scientific reports 6 (1), 35831, 2016
Physics of psychophysics: Stevens and Weber-Fechner laws are transfer functions of excitable media
M Copelli, AC Roque, RF Oliveira, O Kinouchi
Physical Review E 65 (6), 060901, 2002
Deterministic walks in random media
GF Lima, AS Martinez, O Kinouchi
Physical Review Letters 87 (1), 010603, 2001
Thesaurus as a complex network
A de Jesus Holanda, IT Pisa, O Kinouchi, AS Martinez, EES Ruiz
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 344 (3-4), 530-536, 2004
Deterministic walks in random networks: An application to thesaurus graphs
O Kinouchi, AS Martinez, GF Lima, GM Lourenço, S Risau-Gusman
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 315 (3-4), 665-676, 2002
A brief history of excitable map-based neurons and neural networks
M Girardi-Schappo, MHR Tragtenberg, O Kinouchi
Journal of neuroscience methods 220 (2), 116-130, 2013
Active dendrites enhance neuronal dynamic range
LL Gollo, O Kinouchi, M Copelli
PLoS computational biology 5 (6), e1000402, 2009
The non-equilibrium nature of culinary evolution
O Kinouchi, RW Diez-Garcia, AJ Holanda, P Zambianchi, AC Roque
New Journal of Physics 10 (7), 073020, 2008
Lower bounds on generalization errors for drifting rules
O Kinouchi, N Caticha
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 26 (22), 6161, 1993
Universal behavior of a research productivity index
PD Batista, MG Campiteli, O Kinouchi, AS Martinez
arXiv preprint physics/0510142, 2005
Can dynamical synapses produce true self-organized criticality?
A de Andrade Costa, M Copelli, O Kinouchi
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 2015 (6), P06004, 2015
Robustness of scale invariance in models with self-organized criticality
O Kinouchi, CPC Prado
Physical Review E 59 (5), 4964, 1999
Synaptic balance due to homeostatically self-organized quasicritical dynamics
M Girardi-Schappo, L Brochini, AA Costa, TTA Carvalho, O Kinouchi
Physical Review Research 2 (1), 012042, 2020
Stochastic oscillations and dragon king avalanches in self-organized quasi-critical systems
O Kinouchi, L Brochini, AA Costa, JGF Campos, M Copelli
Scientific reports 9 (1), 3874, 2019
Modeling neurons by simple maps
O Kinouchi, MHR Tragtenberg
International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 6 (12a), 2343-2360, 1996
Self-organized supercriticality and oscillations in networks of stochastic spiking neurons
AA Costa, L Brochini, O Kinouchi
Entropy 19 (8), 399, 2017
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Articles 1–20