Mohamad Noorman Masrek, PhD
Mohamad Noorman Masrek, PhD
College of Computing, Informatics and Mathematics, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia
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Cited by
Assessing users satisfaction with web digital library: the case of Universiti Teknologi MARA
MN Masrek, JE Gaskin
The International Journal of Information and Learning Technology 33 (1), 36-56, 2016
Technology trust and mobile banking satisfaction: a case of Malaysian consumers
MN Masrek, IS Mohamed, NM Daud, N Omar
Procedia-Social and behavioral sciences 129, 53-58, 2014
Mosque fund management: issues on accountability and internal controls
IS Mohamed, NH Ab Aziz, MN Masrek, NM Daud
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 145, 189-194, 2014
Accessibility evaluation on Malaysian e-government websites
MHA Latif, MN Masrek
Journal of E-Government studies and best practices 2010, 1-11, 2010
Comparison of machine learning algorithms performance in detecting network intrusion
K Abd Jalil, MH Kamarudin, MN Masrek
2010 international conference on networking and information technology, 221-226, 2010
Evaluating academic library portal effectiveness: A Malaysian case study
M Noorman Masrek, A Jamaludin, S Awang Mukhtar
Library Review 59 (3), 198-212, 2010
Measuring campus portal effectiveness and the contributing factors
M Noorman bin Masrek
Campus-Wide Information Systems 24 (5), 342-354, 2007
Emotional intelligence and job satisfaction of academic librarians: An assessment of the relationship
A Khan, MN Masrek, FM Nadzar
Journal of Librarianship and Information Science 49 (2), 199-210, 2017
Innovative work behaviour of school teachers: A conceptual framework
MF Baharuddin, MN Masrek, SM Shuhidan
International E-Journal of Advances in Education 5 (14), 213-221, 2019
Investigating corporate intranet effectiveness: a conceptual framework
M Noorman Masrek, N Shahriza Abdul Karim, R Hussein
Information Management & Computer Security 15 (3), 168-183, 2007
Analysis of competencies, job satisfaction and organizational commitment as indicators of job performance: A conceptual framework
A Khan, MN Masrek, FM Nadzar
Education for Information 31 (3), 125-141, 2015
The impact of perceived credibility and perceived quality on trust and satisfaction in mobile banking context
MN Masrek, MSA Halim, A Khan, I Ramli
Asian Economic and Financial Review 8 (7), 1013-1025, 2018
Factors influencing the adoption of digital reference services among the university librarians in Pakistan
A Khan, MN Masrek, K Mahmood, S Qutab
The Electronic Library 35 (6), 1225-1246, 2017
The effect of organizational and individual characteristics on corporate intranet utilizations
M Noorman Masrek, N Shahriza Abdul Karim, R Hussein
Information Management & Computer Security 16 (2), 89-112, 2008
Trust in Mobile Banking Adoption in Malaysia: A Conceptual Framework
MN Masrek, NA Uzir, II Khairuddin
Journal of Mobile Technologies, Knowledge & Society, 1-12, 2012
Malaysian computer professional: assessment of emotional intelligence and organizational commitment
MN Masrek, MAF Osman, Z Ibrahim, AN Mansor
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 172, 238-245, 2015
Training needs analysis based on mismatch between the acquired and required levels of collection management skills of academic librarians
A Khan, MN Masrek
Collection Building 36 (1), 20-28, 2017
The relationship between knowledge conversion abilities and academic performance
MN Masrek, NZM Zainol
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 174, 3603-3610, 2015
The relationship of personal innovativeness, quality of digital resources and generic usability with users’ satisfaction: a Pakistani perspective
A Khan, MN Masrek, K Mahmood
Digital Library Perspectives 35 (1), 15-30, 2019
Determinants of UTAUT in measuring user acceptance of e-syariah portal in syariah courts in Malaysia
M Yahya, F Nadzar, N Masrek, BA Rahman
2nd International Research Symposium in Service Management, Yogyakarta …, 2011
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Articles 1–20