Paul H. Driessen
Paul H. Driessen
Associate Professor of Marketing, Radboud University Nijmegen
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Cited by
Stakeholder marketing: theoretical foundations and required capabilities
B Hillebrand, PH Driessen, O Koll
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 43 (4), 411-428, 2015
Green New Product Development: The Pivotal Role of Product Greenness
PH Driessen, B Hillebrand, RAW Kok, TMM Verhallen
IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management 60 (2), 315-326, 2013
Integrating Multiple Stakeholder Issues in New Product Development: An Exploration
PH Driessen, B Hillebrand
Journal of Product Innovation Management 30 (2), 364-379, 2013
Adoption and diffusion of green innovations
PH Driessen, B Hillebrand
Marketing for sustainability: towards transactional policy-making, 343-355, 2002
Consumer perceptions of service constellations: implications for service innovation
ACR Van Riel, G Calabretta, PH Driessen, B Hillebrand, A Humphreys, ...
Journal of Service Management 24 (3), 314-329, 2013
Market innovation: A literature review and new research directions
N Sprong, PH Driessen, B Hillebrand, S Molner
Journal of Business Research 123, 450-462, 2021
Mechanisms for Stakeholder Integration: Bringing Virtual Stakeholder Dialogue into Organizations
PH Driessen, RAW Kok, B Hillebrand
Journal of Business Research 66 (9), 1465-1472, 2013
Coping with confusion: The case of the Dutch mobile phone market
H Kasper, J Bloemer, PH Driessen
Managing Service Quality 20 (2), 140-160, 2010
An activities-based approach to network management: An explorative study
K Manser, B Hillebrand, RK Woolthuis, GW Ziggers, PH Driessen, ...
Industrial Marketing Management 55, 187-199, 2016
Antecedents of market orientation in semi-public service organizations: a study of Dutch housing associations
RAW Kok, PH Driessen
Service Industries Journal 32 (12), 1901-1921, 2012
How consumers’ respect for nature and environmental self-assets influence their car brand experiences
UA Saari, SJ Mäkinen, RJ Baumgartner, B Hillebrand, PH Driessen
Journal of Cleaner Production 261, 121023, 2020
Green Product Innovation Strategy
PH Driessen
Open Access publications from Tilburg University, 2005
Distributed agency in living labs for sustainability transitions
A Engez, PH Driessen, L Aarikka-Stenroos, M Kokko
Research handbook of sustainability agency, 293-306, 2021
Antecedents and performance implications of stakeholder understanding in green product innovation
GA Otto, PH Driessen, B Hillebrand, R Prasad
Journal of Cleaner Production, 138174, 2023
Market competition and ethical standards: the case of fair trade mainstreaming
E de Gelder, A de Vaal, PH Driessen, EM Sent, J Bloemer
Review of Social Economy 79 (2), 191-221, 2021
Activity sets in multi-organizational ecologies: a project-level perspective on sustainable energy innovations
K Manser, B Hillebrand, PH Driessen, GW Ziggers, JMM Bloemer
Technological Forecasting and Social Change 90, 444-455, 2015
Marketing, consument en milieu
P Driesen, TMM Verhallen
Maandblad voor Accountancy en Bedrijfseconomie 69 (4), 189-197, 1995
How Do Stakeholders Matter in Product Innovation?
PH Driessen, B Hillebrand
Proceedings of the 2007 Academy of Marketing Science (AMS) Annual Conference …, 2015
Marketing en milieu
PH Driessen
Kluwer, 1999
Marketing en milieu
PH Driessen
Kluwer, 1999
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Articles 1–20