leili hafizi
leili hafizi
Associated professor of obstetrics and gynecology, Mashhad University of Medical Sciences, Mashhad
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The role of vitamin C in prevention of preterm premature rupture of membranes
N Ghomian, L Hafizi, Z Takhti
Iranian Red Crescent Medical Journal 15 (2), 113, 2013
Enhanced delivery of melatonin loaded nanostructured lipid carriers during in vitro fertilization: NLC formulation, optimization and IVF efficacy
FN Siahdasht, N Farhadian, M Karimi, L Hafizi
RSC advances 10 (16), 9462-9475, 2020
Effects of magnetized water on ovary, pre-implantation stage endometrial and fallopian tube epithelial cells in mice
L Hafizi, M Gholizadeh, M Karimi, G Hosseini, H Mostafavi-Toroghi, ...
Iranian Journal of Reproductive Medicine 12 (4), 243, 2014
Intrauterine synechiae after myomectomy; laparotomy versus laparoscopy: Non-randomized interventional trial
Z Asgari, L Hafizi, R Hosseini, A Javaheri, H Rastad
Iranian Journal of Reproductive Medicine 13 (3), 161, 2015
Shoulder pain after caesarean section: Comparison between general and spinal anaesthesia
N Zirak, G Soltani, L Hafizi, Z Mashayekhi, I Kashani
Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 32 (4), 347-349, 2012
Relationship between Job Stress with Menstrual Bleeding Pattern among Midwives.
S Mohamadirizi, M Kordi, MT Shakeri, JS Fadardi, L Hafizi
Hayat/Ḥayāt 18 (5), 2012
Frequency and the type of chromosomal abnormalities in patients with primary amenorrhea in northeast of Iran
F Mohajertehran, K Ghodsi, L Hafizi, A Rezaee
Iranian journal of basic medical sciences 16 (4), 643, 2013
The relationship between midwives’ work stress and perimenstrual distress
M Kordi, S Mohamadirizi, MT Shakeri, J Salehi Fadardi, L Hafizi
The Iranian Journal of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Infertility 14 (3), 54-63, 2011
The effect of extremely low frequency pulsed electromagnetic field on in vitro fertilization success rate in N MRI mice
L Hafizi, A Sazgarnia, N Mousavifar, M Karimi, S Ghorbani, MR Kazemi, ...
Cell Journal (Yakhteh) 15 (4), 310, 2013
Comparison of bilirubin level in term infants born by vaginal delivery and cesarean section
AS Farhat, L Hafizi, MT Pourhoseini, F Halimi, A Mohamadzadeh, ...
Iranian Journal of Neonatology 7 (4), 46, 2016
Multi-objective optimization of a fin with twodimensional heat transfer using NSGA-II and ANN
MM Ghanadi Arab, M Hajabdollahi, H Hajabdollahi
Journal of Applied Mechanical Engineering 2 (2), 117-124, 2013
The association between women’s pelvic organ prolapse and joint hypermobility
L Hafizi, Z Mirfeizi, N Razmjoo, M Keshvari, A Jabbari, H Ashraf, F Yousefi
J Pak Med Assoc 63 (9), 1152-1156, 2013
The effect of complementary medicine on maternal health promotion: An experimental study
L Hafizi, N Razmjoo, F Yousefi, H Azizi
Journal of Education and Health Promotion 10 (1), 26, 2021
Successful management of spontaneous quadruplet pregnancy: a case report
L Hafizi, ER Asgarieh, N Taheri, N Ghomian
Journal of Family & Reproductive Health 12 (3), 173, 2018
Evaluating the Effect of Regular-Dose of Bupivacain against its Low-Dose plus Fentanyl in Spinal Anesthesia of Elective Cesarean Section on Term Neonatal Apgar Score and Time …
N Zirak, L Hafizi, S Eftekharzadeh, N Ghomian, M Moradifar, E Golmakani
Iranian Journal of Obstetrics, Gynecology & Infertility 15 (20), 2012
Abdominal wall leiomyoma: a case report
L Hafizi, SA Pourhoseini
Journal of Reproduction & Infertility 21 (2), 151, 2020
Comparison of laparoscopic ovarian drilling success between two standard and dose-adjusted methods in polycystic ovary syndrome: A randomized clinical trial
L Hafizi, M Amirian, Y Davoudi, M Jaafari, G Ghasemi
International Journal of Fertility & Sterility 13 (4), 282, 2019
Investigating hysteroscopy implementation in infertile women candidate with a normal uterine cavity for laparoscopy in hysterosalpingography
M Amirian, AD Mohammadabad, N Morovatdar, L Hafizi
International Journal of Women Health and Reproduction Sciences 7 (1), 79-84, 2019
Effect of thoracic Kinesio taping on acute lumbar and leg pain in a pregnant woman: A case report
M Shahbazi, J Sarrafzadeh, TS Fatemi, L Hafizi
Sports Orthopaedics and Traumatology 38 (3), 326-333, 2022
Comparison of spinal and general anesthesia in gynecologic diagnostic laparoscopy
N Zirak, FG Keshtan, M Razavi, L Hafizi, N Ahangarian, N Khadem
Perinatology 19 (1), 15-21, 2018
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Articles 1–20