Nilam Ram
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Cited by
Emotional experience improves with age: evidence based on over 10 years of experience sampling.
LL Carstensen, B Turan, S Scheibe, N Ram, H Ersner-Hershfield, ...
Psychology and aging 26 (1), 21, 2011
Methods and measures: Growth mixture modeling: A method for identifying differences in longitudinal change among unobserved groups
N Ram, KJ Grimm
International journal of behavioral development 33 (6), 565-576, 2009
Motor development
KE Adolph, SR Robinson
Handbook of child psychology and developmental science, 1-45, 2015
Growth modeling: Structural equation and multilevel modeling approaches
KJ Grimm
The Guilford Press, 2016
Time-structured and net intraindividual variability: tools for examining the development of dynamic characteristics and processes.
N Ram, D Gerstorf
Psychology and aging 24 (4), 778, 2009
Nonlinear growth curves in developmental research
KJ Grimm, N Ram, F Hamagami
Child development 82 (5), 1357-1371, 2011
Individual differences in boys' and girls' timing and tempo of puberty: modeling development with nonlinear growth models.
K Marceau, N Ram, RM Houts, KJ Grimm, EJ Susman
Developmental psychology 47 (5), 1389, 2011
Using simple and complex growth models to articulate developmental change: Matching theory to method
N Ram, K Grimm
International Journal of Behavioral Development 31 (4), 303-316, 2007
Late-life decline in well-being across adulthood in Germany, the United Kingdom, and the United States: Something is seriously wrong at the end of life.
D Gerstorf, N Ram, G Mayraz, M Hidajat, U Lindenberger, GG Wagner, ...
Psychology and aging 25 (2), 477, 2010
Decline in life satisfaction in old age: longitudinal evidence for links to distance-to-death.
D Gerstorf, N Ram, C Röcke, U Lindenberger, J Smith
Psychology and aging 23 (1), 154, 2008
Emotion as a thermostat: representing emotion regulation using a damped oscillator model.
SM Chow, N Ram, SM Boker, F Fujita, G Clore
Emotion 5 (2), 208, 2005
Life satisfaction shows terminal decline in old age: longitudinal evidence from the German Socio-Economic Panel Study (SOEP).
D Gerstorf, N Ram, R Estabrook, J Schupp, GG Wagner, U Lindenberger
Developmental psychology 44 (4), 1148, 2008
The effects of stress on cognitive aging, physiology and emotion (ESCAPE) project
SB Scott, JE Graham-Engeland, CG Engeland, JM Smyth, DM Almeida, ...
BMC psychiatry 15, 1-14, 2015
Boredom prone or nothing to do? Distinguishing between state and trait leisure boredom and its association with substance use in South African adolescents
EH Weybright, LL Caldwell, N Ram, EA Smith, L Wegner
Leisure sciences 37 (4), 311-331, 2015
A daily analysis of physical activity and satisfaction with life in emerging adults.
JP Maher, SE Doerksen, S Elavsky, AL Hyde, AL Pincus, N Ram, ...
Health Psychology 32 (6), 647, 2013
Saving energy in an office environment: A serious game intervention
B Orland, N Ram, D Lang, K Houser, N Kling, M Coccia
Energy and Buildings 74, 43-52, 2014
Automatic search for fMRI connectivity mapping: An alternative to Granger causality testing using formal equivalences among SEM path modeling, VAR, and unified SEM
KM Gates, PCM Molenaar, FG Hillary, N Ram, MJ Rovine
NeuroImage 50 (3), 1118-1125, 2010
Long-term antecedents and outcomes of perceived control.
FJ Infurna, D Gerstorf, N Ram, J Schupp, GG Wagner
Psychology and aging 26 (3), 559, 2011
Nonlinear growth models in M plus and SAS
KJ Grimm, N Ram
Structural Equation Modeling 16 (4), 676-701, 2009
Studying intraindividual variability: What we have learned that will help us understand lives in context
JR Nesselroade, N Ram
Research in Human Development 1 (1-2), 9-29, 2004
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Articles 1–20