Vikas Agrawal
Vikas Agrawal
Senior Principal Data Scientist, Oracle Corporation
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Cited by
The use of MPSS for whole-genome transcriptional analysis in Arabidopsis
BC Meyers, SS Tej, TH Vu, CD Haudenschild, V Agrawal, SB Edberg, ...
Genome research 14 (8), 1641-1653, 2004
Analysis of the transcriptional complexity of Arabidopsis thaliana by massively parallel signature sequencing
BC Meyers, TH Vu, SS Tej, H Ghazal, M Matvienko, V Agrawal, J Ning, ...
Nature biotechnology 22 (8), 1006-1011, 2004
Modeling the organization of the WUSCHEL expression domain in the shoot apical meristem
H Jönsson, M Heisler, GV Reddy, V Agrawal, V Gor, BE Shapiro, ...
Bioinformatics 21 (Suppl 1), I232-I240, 2005
Methods for transcriptional profiling in plants. Be fruitful and replicate
BC Meyers, DW Galbraith, T Nelson, V Agrawal
Plant Physiology 135 (2), 637-652, 2004
A comparison of microarray and MPSS technology platforms for expression analysis of Arabidopsis
J Chen, V Agrawal, M Rattray, MAL West, DA St Clair, RW Michelmore, ...
BMC genomics 8, 1-12, 2007
A comparison of global gene expression measurement technologies in Arabidopsis thaliana
SJ Coughlan, V Agrawal, B Meyers
Comparative and Functional Genomics 5 (3), 245-252, 2004
A dynamic mathematical model to clarify signaling circuitry underlying programmed cell death control in Arabidopsis disease resistance
V Agrawal, C Zhang, AD Shapiro, PS Dhurjati
Biotechnology progress 20 (2), 426-442, 2004
Activity context-aware system architecture for intelligent natural speech based interfaces
GG Heredero, H Penmetsa, V Agrawal, L Shastri
Workshops at the Twenty-Seventh AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2013
Activity context aware digital workspaces and consumer playspaces: manifesto and architecture
V Agrawal, GG Heredero, H Penmetsa, A Laha, L Shastri
Workshops at the Twenty-Sixth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2012
Reports of the AAAI 2012 conference workshops
V Agrawal, J Baier, K Bekris, Y Chen, ASA Garcez, P Hitzler, P Haslum, ...
Ai Magazine 33 (4), 119-119, 2012
Architectures for activity recognition and context-aware computing
C Geib, V Agrawal, G Sukthankar, L Shastri, H Bui
AI Magazine 36 (2), 3-9, 2015
Techniques for data-driven correlation of metrics
VA Renu Chintalapati, Manisha Gupta, Ashlesh Bajpai, David Granholm, Stefan ...
US Patent US-2020104775-A1, 2020
The AAAI-13 conference workshops
V Agrawal, C Archibald, M Bhatt, H Bui, DJ Cook, J Cortés, C Geib, ...
Ai magazine 34 (4), 108-115, 2013
Activity-Context Aware Computing for Supporting Knowledge-Works
A Laha, L Shastri, V Agrawal
Workshops at the Twenty-Sixth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2012
Reports of the AAAI 2011 conference workshops
N Agmon, V Agrawal, DW Aha, Y Aloimonos, D Buckley, P Doshi, C Geib, ...
AI Magazine 33 (1), 57-70, 2012
Activity Context Representation: Techniques and Languages
V Agrawal, L Shastri, M Singh, T Finin
Programmed Cell Death in Plant Defense against Bacterial Pathogens
AD Shapiro, V Agrawal, PS Dhurjati, R Rengaswamy
The 2006 Annual Meeting, 2006
Department of Theoretical Physics
H Jönsson, M Heisler, GV Reddy, V Agrawal, V Gor, BE Shapiro, ...
Bioinformatics 21, i232-i240, 2005
Additional results
H Jönsson, M Heisler, GV Reddy, V Agrawal, V Gor, BE Shapiro, ...
Bioinformatics 21 (1), i232-i240, 2005
Systems biology approaches to understanding plant defense signaling
V Agrawal
University of Delaware, 2004
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Articles 1–20