Iryna Sushko
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Cited by
Continuous and Discontinuous Piecewise-Smooth One-Dimensional Maps
V Avrutin, L Gardini, I Sushko, F Tramontana
World Scientific Publishing Company, 2019
Degenerate bifurcations and border collisions in piecewise smooth 1D and 2D maps
I Sushko, L Gardini
International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 20 (07), 2045-2070, 2010
Business cycle dynamics
T Puu, I Sushko
Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2006
Oligopoly dynamics: Models and tools
T Puu, I Sushko
Springer, 2002
A Hicksian multiplier-accelerator model with floor determined by capital stock
T Puu, L Gardini, I Sushko
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 56 (3), 331-348, 2005
A business cycle model with cubic nonlinearity
T Puu, I Sushko
Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 19 (3), 597-612, 2004
Growing through chaotic intervals
L Gardini, I Sushko, AK Naimzada
Journal of Economic Theory 143 (1), 541-557, 2008
Center bifurcation for two-dimensional border-collision normal form
I Sushko, L Gardini
International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 18 (04), 1029-1050, 2008
Bifurcation structure of parameter plane for a family of unimodal piecewise smooth maps: border-collision bifurcation curves
I Sushko, A Agliari, L Gardini
Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 29 (3), 756-770, 2006
Hicks’ trade cycle revisited: cycles and bifurcations
M Gallegati, L Gardini, T Puu, I Sushko
Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 63 (6), 505-527, 2003
The Hicksian floor–roof model for two regions linked by interregional trade
I Sushko, T Puu, L Gardini
Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 18 (3), 593-612, 2003
Critical homoclinic orbits lead to snap-back repellers
L Gardini, I Sushko, V Avrutin, M Schanz
Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 44 (6), 433-449, 2011
Bifurcation structure in the skew tent map and its application as a border collision normal form
I Sushko, V Avrutin, L Gardini
Journal of Difference Equations and Applications 22 (8), 1040-1087, 2016
Bistability and border-collision bifurcations for a family of unimodal piecewise smooth maps
I Sushko, A Agliari, L Gardini
Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems Series B 5 (3), 881, 2005
Regional integration, international liberalisation and the dynamics of industrial agglomeration
P Commendatore, I Kubin, C Petraglia, I Sushko
Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 48, 265-287, 2014
Revisiting the model of credit cycles with good and bad projects
K Matsuyama, I Sushko, L Gardini
Journal of Economic Theory 163, 525-556, 2016
Codimension-2 border collision, bifurcations in one-dimensional, discontinuous piecewise smooth maps
L Gardini, V Avrutin, I Sushko
International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 24 (02), 1450024, 2014
Nonsmooth one-dimensional maps: some basic concepts and definitions
I Sushko, L Gardini, V Avrutin
Journal of difference equations and applications 22 (12), 1816-1870, 2016
Tongues of periodicity in a family of two-dimensional discontinuous maps of real Möbius type
I Sushko, L Gardini, T Puu
Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 21 (2), 403-412, 2004
Bifurcations of chaotic attractors in one-dimensional piecewise smooth maps
V Avrutin, L Gardini, M Schanz, I Sushko
International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 24 (08), 1440012, 2014
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Articles 1–20