Nurbaiti Wahid
Nurbaiti Wahid
Senior Lecturer, College of Engineering, Universiti Teknologi MARA
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Cited by
Self-tuning fuzzy PID controller design for aircraft pitch control
N Wahid, N Hassan
2012 Third International Conference on Intelligent Systems Modelling and …, 2012
Lane detection in autonomous vehicles: A systematic review
NJ Zakaria, MI Shapiai, R Abd Ghani, MNM Yassin, MZ Ibrahim, N Wahid
IEEE access 11, 3729-3765, 2023
Pitch control system using LQR and Fuzzy Logic Controller
N Wahid, MF Rahmat
2010 IEEE Symposium on Industrial Electronics and Applications (ISIEA), 389-394, 2010
Study on potential field based motion planning and control for automated vehicle collision avoidance systems
N Wahid, H Zamzuri, MAA Rahman, S Kuroda, P Raksincharoensak
2017 IEEE international conference on mechatronics (ICM), 208-213, 2017
Comparative assesment using LQR and fuzzy logic controller for a pitch control system
N Wahid, MF Rahmat, K Jusoff
European Journal of Scientific Research 42 (2), 184-194, 2010
Novel motion sickness minimization control via fuzzy-PID controller for autonomous vehicle
SA Saruchi, MH Mohammed Ariff, H Zamzuri, NH Amer, N Wahid, ...
Applied Sciences 10 (14), 4769, 2020
Lateral control strategy based on head movement responses for motion sickness mitigation in autonomous vehicle
SA Saruchi, MH Mohammed Ariff, H Zamzuri, NH Amer, N Wahid, ...
Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering 42, 1-14, 2020
Vehicle collision avoidance motion planning strategy using artificial potential field with adaptive multi‐speed scheduler
N Wahid, H Zamzuri, NH Amer, A Dwijotomo, SA Saruchi, SA Mazlan
IET Intelligent Transport Systems 14 (10), 1200-1209, 2020
Artificial neural network for modelling of the correlation between lateral acceleration and head movement in a motion sickness study
SA Saruchi, MH Mohammed Ariff, H Zamzuri, N Hassan, N Wahid
IET Intelligent Transport Systems 13 (2), 340-346, 2019
Drivers Steering Behaviour Identification and Modelling in Near Rear-End collision
N Hassan, H Zamzuri, N Wahid, KA Zulkepli, MZ Azmi
TELKOMNIKA (Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control) 15 (2), 861-868, 2017
Composite nonlinear feedback with disturbance observer for active front steering
HZ Sarah’Atifah Saruchi, N Zulkarnain, MH Mohammed
Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science 7 (2), 434-441, 2017
Modeling of occupant’s head movement behavior in motion sickness study via time delay neural network
SA Saruchi, MHM Ariff, H Zamzuri, N Hassan, N Wahid
Simulation 96 (2), 131-140, 2020
Newly developed nonlinear vehicle model for an active anti-roll bar system
NB Zulkarnain, H Zamzuri, MM Mustafa, SS Mokri, N Wahid, ...
Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics 7 (4), 529-537, 2018
Early Detection of White-Root Disease for Rubber Tree Based on Leaf Discoloration with Neural Network Technique
Mohd Suhaimi Sulaiman, Hadzli Hashim, Noor Ezan Abdullah, Siti Sarah Rahmat ...
Journal of Applied Science and Agriculture, 341-351, 2014
Radial basis function neural network for head roll prediction modelling in a motion sickness study
SA Saruchi, MHM Ariff, MI Shapiai, N Hassan, N Wahid, NJ Zakaria, ...
Indones. J. Electr. Eng. Comput. Sci 15, 1637-1644, 2019
A study of multiple reward function performances for vehicle collision avoidance systems applying the DQN algorithm in reinforcement learning
NJ Zakaria, MI Shapiai, N Wahid
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1176 (1), 012033, 2021
Recognition of Psoriasis Features Via Daubechies D8 Wavelet Technique
H Hashim, S Ramli, N Wahid, MS Sulaiman, N Hassan
International Journal on Smart Sensing and Intelligent Systems 6 (2), 711-732, 2013
A Design of Smart IoT-Based College Room Using Arduino
NN Mahzan, N Wahid, NM Zin, NIM Enzai, KSSKM Noh, S Omar, MFM Zin, ...
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1529 (2), 022045, 2020
A brief review on motion sickness for autonomous vehicle
S ‘Atifah Saruchi, NA Izni, MHM Ariff, N Wahid
Enabling Industry 4.0 through Advances in Mechatronics: Selected Articles …, 2022
Adaptive potential field-based motion planning approach and control for automated vehicle collision avoidance systems
N Wahid, H Zamzuri, MHM Ariff, NH Amer
Dynamics of Vehicles on Roads and Tracks Vol 1, 381-387, 2017
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Articles 1–20