Nihat Ali Isitman
Nihat Ali Isitman
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Cited by
Nanoclay and carbon nanotubes as potential synergists of an organophosphorus flame-retardant in poly (methyl methacrylate)
NA Isitman, C Kaynak
Polymer Degradation and Stability 95 (9), 1523-1532, 2010
Nanoclay synergy in flame retarded/glass fibre reinforced polyamide 6
NA Isitman, HO Gunduz, C Kaynak
Polymer Degradation and Stability 94 (12), 2241-2250, 2009
Mass attenuation coefficients, effective atomic numbers and effective electron densities for some polymers
N Kucuk, M Cakir, NA Isitman
Radiation protection dosimetry 153 (1), 127-134, 2013
The role of nanoparticle geometry in flame retardancy of polylactide nanocomposites containing aluminium phosphinate
NA Isitman, M Dogan, E Bayramli, C Kaynak
Polymer degradation and stability 97 (8), 1285-1296, 2012
Mechanical properties, flammability and char morphology of epoxy resin/montmorillonite nanocomposites
C Kaynak, GI Nakas, NA Isitman
Applied Clay Science 46 (3), 319-324, 2009
On the use of magnesium hydroxide towards halogen-free flame-retarded polyamide-6/polypropylene blends
H Balakrishnan, A Hassan, NA Isitman, C Kaynak
Polymer degradation and stability 97 (8), 1447-1457, 2012
Thermal degradation mechanisms of aluminium phosphinate, melamine polyphosphate and zinc borate in poly (methyl methacrylate)
T Orhan, NA Isitman, J Hacaloglu, C Kaynak
Polymer degradation and stability 96 (10), 1780-1787, 2011
Synergistic fire retardancy of colemanite, a natural hydrated calcium borate, in high-impact polystyrene containing brominated epoxy and antimony oxide
C Kaynak, NA Isitman
Polymer degradation and stability 96 (5), 798-807, 2011
Nanoclay assisted strengthening of the fiber/matrix interface in functionally filled polyamide 6 composites
NA Isitman, M Aykol, C Kaynak
Composite Structures 92 (9), 2181-2186, 2010
Thermal degradation of organophosphorus flame-retardant poly (methyl methacrylate) nanocomposites containing nanoclay and carbon nanotubes
T Orhan, NA Isitman, J Hacaloglu, C Kaynak
Polymer degradation and stability 97 (3), 273-280, 2012
Tailored flame retardancy via nanofiller dispersion state: Synergistic action between a conventional flame-retardant and nanoclay in high-impact polystyrene
NA Isitman, C Kaynak
Polymer degradation and stability 95 (9), 1759-1768, 2010
Effect of partial substitution of aluminum hydroxide with colemanite in fire retarded low-density polyethylene
NA Isitman, C Kaynak
Journal of fire sciences 31 (1), 73-84, 2013
Nanostructure of montmorillonite barrier layers: A new insight into the mechanism of flammability reduction in polymer nanocomposites
NA Isitman, C Kaynak
Polymer degradation and stability 96 (12), 2284-2289, 2011
Effects of RTM mold temperature and vacuum on the mechanical properties of epoxy/glass fiber composite plates
C Kaynak, E Akgul, NA Isitman
Journal of composite materials 42 (15), 1505-1521, 2008
The effect of vulcanization additives on the dielectric response of styrene-butadiene rubber compounds
L Ortega, S Cerveny, C Sill, NA Isitman, AL Rodriguez-Garraza, M Meyer, ...
Polymer 172, 205-212, 2019
Interactions at fiber/matrix interface in short fiber reinforced amorphous thermoplastic composites modified with micro-and nano-fillers
NA Isitman, M Aykol, C Kaynak
Journal of Materials Science 47, 702-710, 2012
Interfacial interactions and flammability of flame-retarded and short fiber-reinforced polyamides
HO Gunduz, NA Isitman, M Aykol, C Kaynak
Polymer-Plastics Technology and Engineering 48 (10), 1046-1054, 2009
Pneumatic tire
NA Isitman, CC Jacoby, GMV Thielen
US Patent 9,764,594, 2017
Fire retardant properties of intumescent polypropylene composites filled with calcium carbonate
NA Isitman, M Dogan, E Bayramli, C Kaynak
Polymer Engineering & Science 51 (5), 875-883, 2011
Use of nanoclay as an environmentally friendly flame retardant synergist in polyamide-6
C Kaynak, HO Gunduz, NA Isitman
Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 10 (11), 7374-7377, 2010
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Articles 1–20