Khong Sin Tan
Khong Sin Tan
Associate Professor Dr.
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Internet‐based ICT adoption: evidence from Malaysian SMEs
KS Tan, SC Chong, B Lin, UC Eze
Industrial Management & Data Systems 109 (2), 224-244, 2009
Internet‐based ICT adoption among SMEs: Demographic versus benefits, barriers, and adoption intention
K Sin Tan, S Choy Chong, B Lin, U Cyril Eze
Journal of enterprise information management 23 (1), 27-55, 2010
Effects of stress, repetition, fatigue and work environment on human error in manufacturing industries
JA Yeow, PK Ng, KS Tan, TS Chin, WY Lim
Journal of Applied Sciences 14 (24), 3464-3471, 2014
Intention to use internet marketing: A comparative study between Malaysians and South Koreans
K Sin Tan, SC Chong, B Lin
Kybernetes 42 (6), 888-905, 2013
An evaluation of e-banking and m-banking adoption factors and preference in Malaysia: a case study
KS Tan, SC Chong, PL Loh, B Lin
International Journal of Mobile Communications 8 (5), 507-527, 2010
An empirical study of internet-based ICT adoption among Malaysian SMEs
KS Tan, UC Eze
Communications of the IBIMA 1 (1), 1-12, 2008
Consumer purchase intentions and honey related products
SHC Yeow, STS Chin, JA Yeow, KS Tan
Journal of Marketing Research & Case Studies 2013, 1, 2013
Factors influencing Malaysian small and medium enterprises adoption of electronic government procurement
KK Soong, EM Ahmed, KS Tan
Journal of Public Procurement 20 (1), 38-61, 2020
Conceptual framework for the adoption of Islamic retail banking services in Malaysia
S Thambiah, UC Eze, KS Tan, RJ Nathan, KP Lai
Journal of Electronic Banking Systems 2010 (1), 1-10, 2010
Effect of innovation to the success of female entrepreneurs
KP Lai, RJ Nathan, KS Tan, BB Chan
Journal of innovation management in small and medium enterprises 2010 (1), 1-14, 2010
Factors influencing internet-based information and communication technologies adoption among Malaysian small and medium enterprises
KS Tan, UC Eze, SC Chong
International Journal of Management and Enterprise Development 6 (4), 397-418, 2009
Factors influencing the adoption of internet-based ICTs: evidence from Malaysian SMEs
KS Tan, SC Chong, CE Uchenna
International Journal of Management and Enterprise Development 109 (2), 224-244, 2009
Effect of filler loading on cure time and swelling behaviour of SMR L/ENR 25 and SMR L/SBR blends
H Ismail, BT Poh, KS Tan, M Moorthy
Polymer international 52 (5), 685-691, 2003
Effects of industry type on ICT adoption among Malaysian SMEs
KS Tan, UC Eze, SC Chong
Journal of Supply Chain and Customer Relationship Management 2012, 1, 2012
Factors affecting knowledge governance implementation among Malaysian SMEs
KS Tan, YY Yuen, LN Ha
Management Science Letters 8 (5), 405-416, 2018
The applicability of information technology governance in the Malaysian SMEs
KS Tan, WL Teo, KP Lai
Journal of Innovation Management in Small and Medium Enterprises 2011, 1-10, 2011
Social influences' effects on Malaysia's SMEs' public electronic procurement usage
SK Kit, EM Ahmed, KS Tan
International Journal of Electronic Government Research (IJEGR) 17 (1), 68-82, 2021
Leading in the age of the fourth industrial revolution–a perspective from Vietnam
NDB Long, PT Ooi, TV Le, LT Thiet, TV Ai, LQ An, A Hudson, KS Tan, ...
International Journal of Technology 13 (5), 949-957, 2022
The relationship between spiritual intelligence and transformational leadership style among student leaders
SYM Tan, STS Chin, AH Seyal, JA Yeow, KS Tan
Journal of Southeast Asian Research 2013, 1, 2013
Factors affecting Malaysia’s SMEs in using public electronic procurement
KK Soong, EM Ahmed, KS Tan
Journal of Information & Knowledge Management 19 (02), 2050008, 2020
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Articles 1–20