Dr. Omer Chughtai
Dr. Omer Chughtai
COMSATS University Islamabad, Wah Campus; Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS
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Cited by
Role of UAVs in public safety communications: Energy efficiency perspective
S Shakoor, Z Kaleem, MI Baig, O Chughtai, TQ Duong, LD Nguyen
IEEE Access 7, 140665-140679, 2019
Road accidents detection, data collection and data analysis using V2X communication and edge/cloud computing
KA Khaliq, O Chughtai, A Shahwani, A Qayyum, J Pannek
Electronics 8 (8), 896, 2019
An internet of things based bed-egress alerting paradigm using wearable sensors in elderly care environment
M Awais, M Raza, K Ali, Z Ali, M Irfan, O Chughtai, I Khan, S Kim, ...
Sensors 19 (11), 2498, 2019
An implementation of IoT-based microwave sensing system for the evaluation of tissues moisture
MT Jilani, MZU Rehman, AM Khan, O Chughtai, MA Abbas, MT Khan
Microelectronics Journal 88, 117-127, 2019
Experimental validation of an accident detection and management application in vehicular environment
KA Khaliq, SM Raza, O Chughtai, A Qayyum, J Pannek
Computers & Electrical Engineering 71, 137-150, 2018
A reliable link-adaptive position-based routing protocol for flying ad hoc network
Q Usman, O Chughtai, N Nawaz, Z Kaleem, KA Khaliq, LD Nguyen
Mobile Networks and Applications 26 (4), 1801-1820, 2021
Performance evaluation of transport layer protocols for video traffic over WiMAX
HMO Chughtai, SA Malik, M Yousaf
2009 IEEE 13th International Multitopic Conference, 1-6, 2009
Congestion detection and alleviation in multihop wireless sensor networks
O Chughtai, N Badruddin, M Rehan, A Khan
Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing 2017 (1), 9243019, 2017
Congestion-aware and traffic load balancing scheme for routing in WSNs
O Chughtai, N Badruddin, A Awang, M Rehan
Telecommunication Systems 63, 481-504, 2016
An emergency response system: construction, validation, and experiments for disaster management in a vehicular environment
KA Khaliq, O Chughtai, A Shahwani, A Qayyum, J Pannek
Sensors 19 (5), 1150, 2019
ZGLS: a novel flat quorum-based and reliable location management protocol for VANETs
M Rehan, H Hasbullah, I Faye, W Rehan, O Chughtai, MH Rehmani
Wireless Networks 24, 1885-1903, 2018
SWIPT-assisted energy efficiency optimization in 5G/B5G cooperative IoT network
M Amjad, O Chughtai, M Naeem, W Ejaz
Energies 14 (9), 2515, 2021
Enhanced max-min rate of users in UAV-assisted emergency networks using reinforcement learning
Z Kaleem, A Ahmad, O Chughtai, JJPC Rodrigues
IEEE Networking Letters 4 (3), 104-107, 2022
Radio resource management in energy harvesting cooperative cognitive UAV assisted IoT networks: A multi-objective approach
MR Ramzan, M Naeem, O Chughtai, W Ejaz, M Altaf
Digital Communications and Networks 10 (4), 1088-1102, 2024
A novel dynamic confidence interval based secure channel prediction approach for stream-based multichannel wireless sensor networks
W Rehan, S Fischer, O Chughtai, M Rehan, M Hail, S Saleem
Ad Hoc Networks 108, 102212, 2020
Pilot‐Based Time Domain SNR Estimation for Broadcasting OFDM Systems
AM Khan, V Jeoti, MZU Rehman, MT Jilani, O Chugtai, MH Rehmani
Journal of Computer Networks and Communications 2018 (1), 9319204, 2018
Design of emergency response system for disaster management using VANET
KA Khaliq, O Chughtai, A Qayyum, J Pannek
Dynamics in Logistics: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference LDIC …, 2018
A driver safety information broadcast protocol for VANET
G Aldabbagh, M Rehan, H Hasbullah, W Rehan, O Chughtai
Appl. Math. Inf. Sci 10 (2), 451-468, 2016
A congestion-aware and energy efficient traffic Load balancing Scheme for routing in WSNs
O Chughtai, N Badruddin, A Awang
TENCON 2014-2014 IEEE region 10 conference, 1-6, 2014
Drone-assisted cooperative routing scheme for seamless connectivity in V2X communication
O Chughtai, NN Qadri, Z Kaleem, C Yuen
IEEE access 12, 17369-17381, 2024
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Articles 1–20