Sam Maglio
Sam Maglio
Professor of Marketing and Psychology, University of Toronto
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Emotional category data on images from the International Affective Picture System
JA Mikels, BL Fredrickson, GR Larkin, CM Lindberg, SJ Maglio, ...
Behavior research methods 37, 626-630, 2005
Distance from a distance: psychological distance reduces sensitivity to any further psychological distance.
SJ Maglio, Y Trope, N Liberman
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 142 (3), 644, 2013
Should I go with my gut? Investigating the benefits of emotion-focused decision making.
JA Mikels, SJ Maglio, AE Reed, LJ Kaplowitz
Emotion 11 (4), 743, 2011
Following your heart or your head: Focusing on emotions versus information differentially influences the decisions of younger and older adults.
JA Mikels, CE Löckenhoff, SJ Maglio, LL Carstensen, MK Goldstein, ...
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied 16 (1), 87, 2010
The common currency of psychological distance
SJ Maglio, Y Trope, N Liberman
Current Directions in Psychological Science 22 (4), 278-282, 2013
Disembodiment: Abstract construal attenuates the influence of contextual bodily state in judgment.
SJ Maglio, Y Trope
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 141 (2), 211, 2012
Scale and construal: How larger measurement units shrink length estimates and expand mental horizons
SJ Maglio, Y Trope
Psychonomic bulletin & review 18, 165-170, 2011
Featuring mistakes: The persuasive impact of purchase mistakes in online reviews
T Reich, SJ Maglio
Journal of Marketing 84 (1), 52-65, 2020
Revising probability estimates: Why increasing likelihood means increasing impact.
SJ Maglio, E Polman
Journal of personality and social psychology 111 (2), 141, 2016
Vowel sounds in words affect mental construal and shift preferences for targets.
SJ Maglio, CD Rabaglia, MA Feder, M Krehm, Y Trope
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 143 (3), 1082, 2014
Sad mood promotes self-initiated mental contrasting of future and reality.
HB Kappes, G Oettingen, D Mayer, S Maglio
Emotion 11 (5), 1206, 2011
Psychological distance in consumer psychology: Consequences and antecedents
SJ Maglio
Consumer Psychology Review 3 (1), 108-125, 2020
How to overcome algorithm aversion: Learning from mistakes
T Reich, A Kaju, SJ Maglio
Journal of Consumer Psychology 33 (2), 285-302, 2023
Spatial orientation shrinks and expands psychological distance
SJ Maglio, E Polman
Psychological Science 25 (7), 1345-1352, 2014
Emotion and control in the planning of goals
SJ Maglio, PM Gollwitzer, G Oettingen
Motivation and Emotion 38, 620-634, 2014
The sound of distance
CD Rabaglia, SJ Maglio, M Krehm, JH Seok, Y Trope
Cognition 152, 141-149, 2016
Coffee cues elevate arousal and reduce level of construal
EY Chan, SJ Maglio
Consciousness and cognition 70, 57-69, 2019
Feeling certain: Gut choice, the true self, and attitude certainty.
SJ Maglio, T Reich
Emotion 19 (5), 876, 2019
The voice of cognition: Active and passive voice influence distance and construal
EY Chan, SJ Maglio
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 46 (4), 547-558, 2020
Mere gifting: Liking a gift more because it is shared
E Polman, SJ Maglio
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 43 (11), 1582-1594, 2017
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Articles 1–20