Ignacio Saņudo Olmedo
Ignacio Saņudo Olmedo
Postdoctoral researcher, Universitā di Modena e Reggio Emilia
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Cited by
Dissecting the CUDA scheduling hierarchy: a performance and predictability perspective
IS Olmedo, N Capodieci, JL Martinez, A Marongiu, M Bertogna
2020 IEEE Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium (RTAS …, 2020
Analytical characterization of end-to-end communication delays with logical execution time
J Martinez, I Saņudo, M Bertogna
IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and …, 2018
End-to-end latency characterization of task communication models for automotive systems
J Martinez, I Saņudo, M Bertogna
Real-Time Systems 56, 315-347, 2020
A perspective on safety and real-time issues for gpu accelerated adas
IS Olmedo, N Capodieci, R Cavicchioli
IECON 2018-44th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society …, 2018
SPHERE: A multi-SoC architecture for next-generation cyber-physical systems based on heterogeneous platforms
A Biondi, D Casini, G Cicero, N Borgioli, G Buttazzo, G Patti, L Leonardi, ...
IEEE Access 9, 75446-75459, 2021
Contending memory in heterogeneous SoCs: Evolution in NVIDIA Tegra embedded platforms
N Capodieci, R Cavicchioli, IS Olmedo, M Solieri, M Bertogna
2020 IEEE 26th international conference on embedded and real-time computing …, 2020
System performance modelling of heterogeneous hw platforms: An automated driving case study
F Wurst, D Dasari, A Hamann, D Ziegenbein, I Sanudo, N Capodieci, ...
2019 22nd Euromicro conference on digital system design (DSD), 365-372, 2019
End-to-end latency characterization of implicit and let communication models
J Martinez, I Sanudo, P Burgio, M Bertogna
International Workshop on Analysis Tools and Methodologies for Embedded and …, 2017
Performance modeling of heterogeneous HW platforms
F Rehm, D Dasari, A Hamann, M Pressler, D Ziegenbein, J Seitter, ...
Microprocessors and Microsystems 87, 104336, 2021
Schedulability and timing analysis of mixed preemptive-cooperative tasks on a partitioned multi-core system
I Sanudo, P Burgio, M Bertogna
Proceedings of the 7th international workshop on analysis tools and …, 2016
Dissecting the CUDA scheduling hierarchy: a performance and predictability perspective. In 2020 IEEE Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium (RTAS)
IS Olmedo, N Capodieci, JL Martinez, A Marongiu, M Bertogna
IEEE, 2020
A survey on shared disk I/O management in virtualized environments under real time constraints
I Saņudo, R Cavicchioli, N Capodieci, P Valente, M Bertogna
ACM SIGBED Review 15 (1), 57-63, 2018
Exact response time analysis of fixed priority systems based on sporadic servers
J Martinez, D Dasari, A Hamann, I Saņudo, M Bertogna
Journal of Systems Architecture 110, 101836, 2020
A survey on real-time DAG scheduling, revisiting the Global-Partitioned Infinity War
M Verucchi, IS Olmedo, M Bertogna
Real-Time Systems 59 (3), 479-530, 2023
Contention-aware GPU partitioning and task-to-partition allocation for real-time workloads
HE Zahaf, IS Olmedo, J Singh, N Capodieci, S Faucou
Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Real-Time Networks and …, 2021
Real-time requirements for adas platforms featuring shared memory hierarchies
N Capodieci, P Burgio, R Cavicchioli, IS Olmedo, M Solieri, M Bertogna
IEEE Design & Test 39 (1), 35-41, 2020
Future automotive HW/SW platform design (Dagstuhl Seminar 19502)
D Ziegenbein, S Saidi, XS Hu, S Steinhorst
Dagstuhl Reports 9 (12), 2020
Reconciling QoS and concurrency in NVIDIA GPUs via warp-level scheduling
J Singh, IS Olmedo, N Capodieci, A Marongiu, M Caccamo
2022 Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference & Exhibition (DATE …, 2022
The key role of memory in next-generation embedded systems for military applications
I Saņudo, P Cortimiglia, L Miccio, M Solieri, P Burgio, C Di Biagio, F Felici, ...
Proceedings of 6th International Conference in Software Engineering for …, 2020
Introducing a deferrable server into autosar
JLM Garcia, IS Olmedo
2020 IEEE 26th International Conference on Embedded and Real-Time Computing …, 2020
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Articles 1–20