Thomas A. Zeni
Cited by
Cited by
Making “sense” of ethical decision making
TA Zeni, MR Buckley, MD Mumford, JA Griffith
The Leadership Quarterly 27 (6), 838-855, 2016
Discrediting in a message board forum: The effects of social support and attacks on expertise and trustworthiness
MG Hughes, JA Griffith, TA Zeni, ML Arsenault, OD Cooper, G Johnson, ...
Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication 19 (3), 325-341, 2014
Better late than early? Reviewing procrastination in organizations
RS Chauhan, AE MacDougall, MR Buckley, DC Howe, ME Crisostomo, ...
Management Research Review 43 (10), 1289-1308, 2020
In search of those boundary conditions that might influence the effectiveness of supportive supervision
TA Zeni, AE MacDougall, RS Chauhan, ME Brock, MR Buckley
Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology 86 (3), 317-323, 2013
Examining online communication: A method for the quantitative analysis of qualitative data
MG Hughes, JA Griffith, C Byrne, DS Nei, LH Beechly, TA Zeni, ...
Mixed methods research for improved scientific study, 213-235, 2016
Understanding Applicant Withdrawal: Can organizations prevent it and should they even try?
MEB Baskin, TA Zeni, MR Buckley
International Journal of Selection and Assessment 22 (2), 190-198, 2014
The ethical demands made on leaders of creative efforts
M Mumford, DR Peterson, AE Mac, TA Zeni, S Moran
The ethics of creativity, 265-278, 2014
Utilizing emotions for ethical decision making in leadership
JA Griffith, TA Zeni, G Johnson
Psychology and mental health: Concepts, methodologies, tools, and …, 2016
Business ethics and the bottom line: Financial impacts of ethical decision making
TA Zeni, JA Griffith
2015-2016 OFFICERS President President-Elect Program Chair Program Chair …, 2016
Examining Online Communication
M Hughes, JA Griffith, C Byrne, D Nei, LH Beechly, TA Zeni, A Shipman, ...
Ethical decision making by business leaders: The impact of cognitive biases and strategies
T Zeni
Ethical problems in business start with biases in judgement
TA Zeni
LSE Business Review, 2017
Affect Communication Via Email
TA Zeni, JA Griffith
2015-2016 OFFICERS President President-Elect Program Chair Program Chair …, 2016
M. Ronald Buckley University of Oklahoma
TA Zeni
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Articles 1–14