Michael Santoro
Michael Santoro
Professor of Management and Entrepreneurship
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Cited by
Pharmaceutical policy in China
Q Sun, MA Santoro, Q Meng, C Liu, K Eggleston
Health affairs 27 (4), 1042-1050, 2008
Profits and principles: Global capitalism and human rights in China
MA Santoro
Cornell University Press, 2000
Ethics and the pharmaceutical industry
MA Santoro, TM Gorrie
Cambridge University Press, 2005
Ahoy there! Toward greater congruence and synergy between international business and business ethics theory and research
J Doh, BW Husted, D Matten, M Santoro
Business Ethics Quarterly 20 (3), 481-502, 2010
China 2020: How western business can—and should—influence social and political change in the coming decade
MA Santoro
Cornell University Press, 2015
Overbooked and overlooked: machine learning and racial bias in medical appointment scheduling
M Samorani, SL Harris, LG Blount, H Lu, MA Santoro
Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 24 (6), 2825-2842, 2022
Business and human rights in historical perspective
MA Santoro
Journal of Human Rights 14 (2), 155-161, 2015
Post-Westphalia and its discontents: Business, globalization, and human rights in political and moral perspective
MA Santoro
Business Ethics Quarterly 20 (2), 285-297, 2010
Wall street values: Business ethics and the global financial crisis
MA Santoro, RJ Strauss
Cambridge University Press, 2012
Beyond codes of conduct and monitoring: An organizational integrity approach to global labor practices
MA Santoro
Human Rights Quarterly 25 (2), 407-424, 2003
Pfizer: Protecting intellectual property in a global marketplace
MA Santoro, LS Paine
Harvard Business School Case Study, 392-071, 1992
The ethics and economics of pharmaceutical pricing
S Parker-Lue, M Santoro, G Koski
Annual review of pharmacology and toxicology 55 (1), 191-206, 2015
The importance of value diversity in corporate life
W Eastman, M Santoro
Business Ethics Quarterly 13 (4), 433-452, 2003
Business and human rights scholarship: Past trends and future directions
D Surya, A Ramasastry, F Wettstein, M Santoro
Business and Human Rights Journal 4 (2), 201-212, 2019
Human rights and human needs: Diverse moral principles justifying third world access to affordable HIV/AIDS drugs
MA Santoro
NCJ Int'l L. & Com. Reg. 31, 923, 2005
Human rights obligations of drug companies
M Santoro, R Shanklin
Rights at Stake and the COVID-19 Pandemic, 43-53, 2023
Sears auto centers (Harvard Business School case 9-394-010)
MA Santoro, LS Paine
Boston: Harvard Business School Publishing, 1993
Ethical redress of racial inequities in AI: lessons from decoupling machine learning from optimization in medical appointment scheduling
R Shanklin, M Samorani, S Harris, MA Santoro
Philosophy & technology 35 (4), 96, 2022
Engagement with integrity: What we should expect multinational firms to do about human rights in China
MA Santoro
Business and the Contemporary World 10, 25-54, 1998
Defending Labor Rights: On the Barricades and in the Boardroom
MA Santoro
The Brown Journal of World Affairs 9 (2), 303-319, 2003
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Articles 1–20