Yannick Wamain
Yannick Wamain
Maître de Conférences, SCALab, Université de Lille, CNRS
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The graphemic/motor frontal area Exner's area revisited
FE Roux, O Dufor, C Giussani, Y Wamain, L Draper, M Longcamp, ...
Annals of neurology 66 (4), 537-545, 2009
EEG μ rhythm in virtual reality reveals that motor coding of visual objects in peripersonal space is task dependent
Y Wamain, F Gabrielli, Y Coello
Cortex 74, 20-30, 2016
Conflict between object structural and functional affordances in peripersonal space
S Kalénine, Y Wamain, J Decroix, Y Coello
Cognition 155, 1-7, 2016
Brain responses to handwritten and printed letters differentially depend on the activation state of the primary motor cortex
Y Wamain, J Tallet, PG Zanone, M Longcamp
NeuroImage 63 (3), 1766-1773, 2012
A saw is first identified as an object used on wood: ERP evidence for temporal differences between Thematic and Functional similarity relations
Y Wamain, E Pluciennicka, S Kalénine
Neuropsychologia 71, 28-37, 2015
Conflict between gesture representations extinguishes μ rhythm desynchronization during manipulable object perception: An EEG study
Y Wamain, A Sahaï, J Decroix, Y Coello, S Kalénine
Biological Psychology 132, 202-211, 2018
Short-term upper-limb immobilization alters peripersonal space representation
L Toussaint, Y Wamain, C Bidet-Ildei, Y Coello
Psychological Research 84 (4), 907-914, 2020
Impact of action primes on implicit processing of thematic and functional similarity relations: Evidence from eye-tracking
E Pluciennicka, Y Wamain, Y Coello, S Kalénine
Psychological Research 80, 566-580, 2016
Temporal dynamics of action perception: Differences on ERP evoked by object-related and non-object-related actions
Y Wamain, E Pluciennicka, S Kalénine
Neuropsychologia 63, 249-258, 2014
“Biological geometry perception”: visual discrimination of eccentricity is related to individual motor preferences
Y Wamain, J Tallet, PG Zanone, M Longcamp
PLoS one 6 (1), e15995, 2011
Does the motor system contribute to the perception of changes in objects visual attributes? The neural dynamics of sensory binding by action
Y Wamain, X Corveleyn, L Ott, Y Coello
Neuropsychologia 132, 107121, 2019
Do manufactured and natural objects evoke similar motor information? The case of action priming
M Godard, Y Wamain, S Kalénine
Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 72 (12), 2801-2806, 2019
Vers une prise en compte de la contrainte liée à l’effecteur dans la dynamique de coordination graphomotrice
J Danna, Y Wamain, V Kostrubiec, J Tallet, PG Zanone
Psychologie française 55 (2), 171-180, 2010
Stimulus–response compatibility effects during object semantic categorisation: Evocation of grasp affordances or abstract coding of object size?
L Haddad, Y Wamain, S Kalénine
Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 77 (1), 29-41, 2024
Congruent action context releases Mu rhythm desynchronization when visual objects activate competing action representations
Y Wamain, M Godard, AS Puffet, S Delepoulle, S Kalénine
Cortex 161, 65-76, 2023
How competition between action representations affects object perception during development
M Godard, Y Wamain, L Ott, S Delepoulle, S Kalénine
Journal of Cognition and Development 23 (3), 360-384, 2022
Too much to handle? Interference from distractors with similar affordances on target selection for handled objects
L Haddad, Y Wamain, S Kalénine
PloS one 18 (8), e0290226, 2023
Dynamics of low-pass-filtered object categories: A decoding approach to ERP recordings
Y Wamain, C Garric, Q Lenoble
Vision Research 204, 108165, 2023
The Role of Handwriting in Reading: Behavioral and Neurophysiological Evidence of Motor Involvement in Letter Recognition
Y Wamain
Spelling and Writing Words, 93-111, 2019
Corrélats cérébraux de l'écriture
M Longcamp, Y Wamain
Troubles de l'écriture chez l'enfant: des modèles à l'intervention, 61-90, 2013
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Articles 1–20