David Aristei
David Aristei
Associate Professor of Economic Statistics, University of Perugia
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Firms’ exporting and importing activities: is there a two-way relationship?
D Aristei, D Castellani, C Franco
Review of World Economics 149, 55-84, 2013
A double-hurdle approach to modelling tobacco consumption in Italy
D Aristei, L Pieroni
Applied economics 40 (19), 2463-2476, 2008
Interest rate pass-through in the Euro area during the financial crisis: A multivariate regime-switching approach
D Aristei, M Gallo
Journal of Policy Modeling 36 (2), 273-295, 2014
Cohort, age and time effects in alcohol consumption by Italian households: a double-hurdle approach
D Aristei, F Perali, L Pieroni
Empirical Economics 35, 29-61, 2008
Does gender matter for firms' access to credit? Evidence from international data
D Aristei, M Gallo
Finance Research Letters 18, 67-75, 2016
Determinants of banks’ net interest margin: Evidence from the Euro area during the crisis and post-crisis period
G Angori, D Aristei, M Gallo
Sustainability 11 (14), 3785, 2019
Effectiveness of R&D subsidies during the crisis: firm-level evidence across EU countries
D Aristei, A Sterlacchini, F Venturini
Economics of Innovation and new Technology 26 (6), 554-573, 2017
University and inter-firm R&D collaborations: propensity and intensity of cooperation in Europe
D Aristei, M Vecchi, F Venturini
The Journal of Technology Transfer 41, 841-871, 2016
The drivers of income mobility in Europe
D Aristei, C Perugini
Economic Systems 39 (2), 197-224, 2015
Inequality and reforms in transition countries
D Aristei, C Perugini
Economic Systems 36 (1), 2-10, 2012
Preferences for redistribution and inequality in well-being across Europe
D Aristei, C Perugini
Journal of Policy Modeling 32 (2), 176-195, 2010
Sovereign bond yield spreads and market sentiment and expectations: Empirical evidence from Euro area countries
D Aristei, D Martelli
Journal of Economics and Business 76, 55-84, 2014
Financial knowledge, confidence, and sustainable financial behavior
D Aristei, M Gallo
Sustainability 13 (19), 10926, 2021
Loan loss provisioning by Italian banks: Managerial discretion, relationship banking, functional distance and bank risk
D Aristei, M Gallo
International Review of Economics & Finance 60, 238-256, 2019
Assessing gender gaps in financial knowledge and self-confidence: Evidence from international data
D Aristei, M Gallo
Finance Research Letters 46, 102200, 2022
The determinants of firm–bank relationships in Italy: bank ownership type, diversification and multiple banking relationships
D Aristei, M Gallo
The European Journal of Finance 23 (15), 1512-1543, 2017
The determinants of households’ repayment difficulties on mortgage loans: evidence from I talian microdata
D Aristei, M Gallo
International Journal of Consumer Studies 40 (4), 453-465, 2016
Lending technologies, banking relationships, and firms’ access to credit in Italy: the role of firm size
G Angori, D Aristei, M Gallo
Applied Economics 51 (58), 6139-6170, 2019
Measuring multidimensional inequality and well-being: methods and an empirical application to Italian
D Aristei, B Bracalente
Statistica 71 (2), 239-266, 2011
Speed and sequencing of transition reforms and income inequality: A panel data analysis
D Aristei, C Perugini
Review of Income and Wealth 60 (3), 542-570, 2014
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Articles 1–20