Jayaprakash Murugesan
Jayaprakash Murugesan
Associate Professor, MEMS, IIT Indore
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Effect of Zr and Si addition on high temperature mechanical properties of near-α Ti–Al–Zr–Sn based alloys
M Jayaprakash, DH Ping, Y Yamabe-Mitarai
Materials Science and Engineering: A 612, 456-461, 2014
Effect of contact pad rigidity on fretting fatigue behavior of NiCrMoV turbine steel
M Jayaprakash, Y Mutoh, K Asai, K Ichikawa, S Sukarai
International journal of fatigue 32 (11), 1788-1794, 2010
Influence of plasma nitriding on plain fatigue and fretting fatigue behaviour of AISI 304 austenitic stainless steel
SGS Raman, M Jayaprakash
Surface and Coatings Technology 201 (12), 5906-5911, 2007
Developments in friction stir welding of aluminium to magnesium alloy
PK Arya, NK Jain, J Murugesan, VK Patel
Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology 36 (13), 1365-1402, 2022
Tangential stress range–compressive stress range diagram for fretting fatigue design curve
Y Mutoh, M Jayaprakash
Tribology international 44 (11), 1394-1399, 2011
Effects of micro-grooves on tribological behaviour of plasma-sprayed alumina-13% titania coatings
JA Wahab, MJ Ghazali, Z Sajuri, Y Otsuka, M Jayaprakash, S Nakamura, ...
Ceramics International 43 (8), 6410-6416, 2017
Exploring temperature-controlled friction stir powder additive manufacturing process for multi-layer deposition of aluminum alloys
B Chaudhary, NK Jain, J Murugesan, V Patel
journal of materials research and technology 20, 260-268, 2022
Development of friction stir powder deposition process for repairing of aerospace-grade aluminum alloys
B Chaudhary, NK Jain, J Murugesan
CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology 38, 252-267, 2022
Effect of amorphous silica by rice husk ash on physical properties and microstructures of recycled aluminium chip AA7075
NF Mohd Joharudin, N Abdul Latif, MS Mustapa, MN Mansor, ...
Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik 50 (3), 283-288, 2019
Fretting fatigue strength prediction of dovetail joint and bolted joint by using the generalized tangential stress range–compressive stress range diagram
J Murugesan, Y Mutoh
Tribology International 76, 116-121, 2014
Friction stir powder additive manufacturing of Al 6061/FeCoNi and Al 6061/Ni metal matrix composites: Reinforcement distribution, microstructure, residual stresses, and …
B Chaudhary, M Patel, NK Jain, J Murugesan, V Patel
Journal of Materials Processing Technology 319, 118061, 2023
Friction stir powder additive manufacturing of Al 6061 alloy: Enhancing microstructure and mechanical properties by reducing thermal gradient
B Chaudhary, NK Jain, J Murugesan, V Patel
journal of materials research and technology 26, 1168-1184, 2023
Spectrophotometric determination of capecitabine in pharmaceutical formulations
M Kishore, M Jayaprakash, T Vijayabhaskarareddy
Int J ChemTech Res 3, 63-9, 2011
Enhancement of tensile and fatigue properties of hybrid aluminium matrix composite via multipass friction stir processing
M Patel, B Chaudhary, J Murugesan, NK Jain, V Patel
journal of materials research and technology 21, 4811-4823, 2022
Fretting fatigue behavior and life prediction of automotive steel bolted joint
M Jayaprakash, Y Mutoh, K Yoshii
Materials & Design 32 (7), 3911-3919, 2011
Fretting Wear and Corrosion Behaviour of an Al–ZrO2/Ni Hybrid Composite Developed by Friction Stir Processing
M Patel, J Murugesan
Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals 75 (6), 1525-1534, 2022
Tribological performance of heavy-duty functionally gradient friction material (Cu-Sn-Fe-Cg-SiC-Al2O3) synthesized by PM route
KR Kannan, RV Vignesh, KP Kalyan, J Murugesan, A Megalingam, ...
AIP Conference Proceedings 2128 (1), 2019
Experimental investigation and parametric optimization of friction stir powder additive manufacturing process for aerospace-grade Al alloy
B Chaudhary, NK Jain, J Murugesan
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 123 (1), 603-625, 2022
Influence of laser-nitriding on mechanical and elevated temperature fretting wear behavior of A356-alloy
AR Kulkarni, M Manikandan, AK Shukla, S Subramaniam, VP Balaji, ...
Surface and Coatings Technology 413, 127072, 2021
Study of microstructure evolution and mechanical properties in friction stir based additive multi-layer manufacturing of Al 6061 alloy: effect of feedstock material form and …
B Chaudhary, NK Jain, J Murugesan, D Sathiaraj
Materials Today Communications 34, 105156, 2023
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