Richard A James
Richard A James
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Approaches to increasing the salt tolerance of wheat and other cereals
R Munns, RA James, A Läuchli
Journal of experimental botany 57 (5), 1025-1043, 2006
Screening methods for salinity tolerance: a case study with tetraploid wheat
R Munns, RA James
Plant and soil 253, 201-218, 2003
Wheat grain yield on saline soils is improved by an ancestral Na+ transporter gene
R Munns, RA James, B Xu, A Athman, SJ Conn, C Jordans, CS Byrt, ...
Nature biotechnology 30 (4), 360-364, 2012
Avenues for increasing salt tolerance of crops, and the role of physiologically based selection traits
R Munns, S Husain, AR Rivelli, RA James, AGT Condon, MP Lindsay, ...
Progress in Plant Nutrition: Plenary Lectures of the XIV International Plant …, 2002
Major genes for Na+ exclusion, Nax1 and Nax2 (wheat HKT1;4 and HKT1;5), decrease Na+ accumulation in bread wheat leaves under saline and …
RA James, C Blake, CS Byrt, R Munns
Journal of experimental botany 62 (8), 2939-2947, 2011
New phenotyping methods for screening wheat and barley for beneficial responses to water deficit
R Munns, RA James, XRR Sirault, RT Furbank, HG Jones
Journal of experimental botany 61 (13), 3499-3507, 2010
HKT1;5-Like Cation Transporters Linked to Na+ Exclusion Loci in Wheat, Nax2 and Kna1
CS Byrt, JD Platten, W Spielmeyer, RA James, ES Lagudah, ES Dennis, ...
Plant physiology 143 (4), 1918-1928, 2007
Stomatal conductance as a screen for osmotic stress tolerance in durum wheat growing in saline soil
A Rahnama, RA James, K Poustini, R Munns
Functional Plant Biology 37 (3), 255-263, 2010
Physiological Characterization of Two Genes for Na+ Exclusion in Durum Wheat, Nax1 and Nax2
RA James, RJ Davenport, R Munns
Plant physiology 142 (4), 1537-1547, 2006
Control of sodium transport in durum wheat
R Davenport, RA James, A Zakrisson-Plogander, M Tester, R Munns
Plant physiology 137 (3), 807-818, 2005
Factors affecting CO2 assimilation, leaf injury and growth in salt-stressed durum wheat
RA James, AR Rivelli, R Munns, S von Caemmerer
Functional plant biology 29 (12), 1393-1403, 2002
Stomatal control in tomato with ABA‐deficient roots: response of grafted plants to soil drying
NM Holbrook, VR Shashidhar, RA James, R Munns
Journal of Experimental Botany 53 (373), 1503-1514, 2002
Genetic variation for improving the salt tolerance of durum wheat
R Munns, RA Hare, RA James, GJ Rebetzke
Australian Journal of Agricultural Research 51 (1), 69-74, 2000
A Sodium Transporter (HKT7) Is a Candidate for Nax1, a Gene for Salt Tolerance in Durum Wheat
S Huang, W Spielmeyer, ES Lagudah, RA James, JD Platten, ES Dennis, ...
Plant physiology 142 (4), 1718-1727, 2006
High throughput determination of plant height, ground cover, and above-ground biomass in wheat with LiDAR
JA Jimenez-Berni, DM Deery, P Rozas-Larraondo, ATG Condon, ...
Frontiers in plant science 9, 237, 2018
Photosynthetic capacity is related to the cellular and subcellular partitioning of Na+, K+ and Cl in salt‐affected barley and durum wheat
RA James, R Munns, S Von Caemmerer, C Trejo, C Miller, T Condon
Plant, Cell & Environment 29 (12), 2185-2197, 2006
A new screening method for osmotic component of salinity tolerance in cereals using infrared thermography
XRR Sirault, RA James, RT Furbank
Functional Plant Biology 36 (11), 970-977, 2009
Tissue tolerance: an essential but elusive trait for salt-tolerant crops
R Munns, RA James, M Gilliham, TJ Flowers, TD Colmer
Functional Plant Biology 43 (12), 1103-1113, 2016
Genetic variation in tolerance to the osmotic stress componentof salinity stress in durum wheat
RA James, S von Caemmerer, AGT Condon, AB Zwart, R Munns
Functional Plant Biology 35 (2), 111-123, 2008
Genetic control of sodium exclusion in durum wheat
R Munns, GJ Rebetzke, S Husain, RA James, RA Hare
Australian Journal of Agricultural Research 54 (7), 627-635, 2003
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Articles 1–20