Hiram Ting
Hiram Ting
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Predictive model assessment in PLS-SEM: guidelines for using PLSpredict
G Shmueli, M Sarstedt, JF Hair, JH Cheah, H Ting, S Vaithilingam, ...
European journal of marketing 53 (11), 2322-2347, 2019
Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) using SmartPLS 3.0: An Updated and Practical Guide to Statistical Analysis
T Ramayah, J Cheah, F Chuah, H Ting, MA Memon
Pearson 1, 160, 2016
Sample Size for Survey Research: Review and Recommendations
MA Memon, H Ting, JH Cheah, T Ramayah, F Chuah, TH Cham
Journal of Applied Structural Equation Modeling 4 (2), i-xx, 2020
Structural model robustness checks in PLS-SEM
M Sarstedt, CM Ringle, JH Cheah, H Ting, OI Moisescu, L Radomir
Tourism Economics 26 (4), 531-554, 2020
Demystifying the role of causal-predictive modeling using partial least squares structural equation modeling in information systems research
W Chin, JH Cheah, Y Liu, H Ting, XJ Lim, TH Cham
Industrial Management & Data Systems 120 (12), 2161-2209, 2020
Convergent validity assessment of formatively measured constructs in PLS-SEM: On using single-item versus multi-item measures in redundancy analyses
JH Cheah, M Sarstedt, CM Ringle, T Ramayah, H Ting
International journal of contemporary hospitality management 30 (11), 3192-3210, 2018
Moderation analysis: issues and guidelines
MA Memon, JH Cheah, T Ramayah, H Ting, F Chuah, TH Cham
Journal of Applied Structural Equation Modeling 3 (1), 1-11, 2019
Mediation Analysis: Issues and Recommendation
MA Memon, JH Cheah, T Ramayah, H Ting, F Chuah
Journal of Applied Structural Equation Modeling 2 (1), i-ix, 2018
Beliefs about the Use of Instagram: An Exploratory Study
H Ting, WPM Wong, SYC de Run, Ernest Cyril, Lau
International Journal of Business and Innovation 2 (2), 15-31, 2015
A review of the methodological misconceptions and guidelines related to the application of structural equation modelling: a Malaysian scenario
MA Memon, H Ting, T Ramayah, F Chuah, JH Cheah
Journal of Applied Structural Equation Modeling 1 (1), i-xiii, 2017
Multigroup analysis using SmartPLS: Step-by-step guidelines for business research
JH Cheah, R Thurasamy, MA Memon, F Chuah, H Ting
Asian Journal of Business Research, 2020
PLS-SEM statistical programs: a review
MA Memon, T Ramayah, JH Cheah, H Ting, F Chuah, TH Cham
Journal of Applied Structural Equation Modeling 5 (1), 1-14, 2021
Satisfaction matters: the relationships between HRM practices, work engagement and turnover intention
MA Memon, R Salleh, MZ Mirza, JH Cheah, H Ting, MS Ahmad, A Tariq
International Journal of Manpower 42 (1), 21-50, 2021
Medical tourism destination image and its relationship with the intention to revisit: A study of Chinese medical tourists in Malaysia
TH Cham, YM Lim, BC Sia, JH Cheah, H Ting
Journal of China tourism research 17 (2), 163-191, 2021
Investigating the role of social media marketing on value co-creation and engagement: An empirical study in China and Hong Kong
ML Cheung, GD Pires, PJ Rosenberger III, WKS Leung, H Ting
Australasian Marketing Journal 29 (2), 118-131, 2021
A comparison of five reflective–formative estimation approaches: reconsideration and recommendations for tourism research
JH Cheah, H Ting, T Ramayah, MA Memon, TH Cham, E Ciavolino
Quality & Quantity 53, 1421-1458, 2019
Are privacy concerns still relevant? Revisiting consumer behaviour in omnichannel retailing
JH Cheah, XJ Lim, H Ting, Y Liu, S Quach
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 65, 102242, 2022
The Effect of Selfie Promotion and Celebrity Endorsed Advertisement on Decision-Making Processes: A Model Comparison
JH Cheah, H Ting, TH Cham, MA Memon
Internet Research, 2019
Ethnic Food Consumption Intention at the Touring Destination: The National and Regional Perspectives using Multi-group Analysis
H Ting, JH Cheah, KS Fam, J Richard
Tourism Management, 2019
Intention to Use Mobile Payment System: A Case of Developing Market by Ethnicity
H Ting, Y Yacob, L Liew, WM Lau
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 224, 368-375, 2016
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Articles 1–20