Jonas Vestby
Jonas Vestby
Other namesJonas Nordkvelle
Senior Researcher, Peace Reseach Institute Oslo
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Cited by
One effect to rule them all? A comment on climate and conflict
H Buhaug, J Nordkvelle, T Bernauer, T Böhmelt, M Brzoska, JW Busby, ...
Climatic Change 127, 391-397, 2014
Peace research–Just the study of war?
NP Gleditsch, J Nordkvelle, H Strand
Journal of Peace Research 51 (2), 145-158, 2014
ViEWS: A political violence early-warning system
H Hegre, M Allansson, M Basedau, M Colaresi, M Croicu, H Fjelde, ...
Journal of peace research 56 (2), 155-174, 2019
Forecasting civil conflict along the shared socioeconomic pathways
H Hegre, H Buhaug, KV Calvin, J Nordkvelle, ST Waldhoff, E Gilmore
Environmental Research Letters 11 (5), 054002, 2016
Climatic conditions are weak predictors of asylum migration
S Schutte, J Vestby, J Carling, H Buhaug
Nature communications 12 (1), 2067, 2021
Climate variability and individual motivations for participating in political violence
J Vestby
Global Environmental Change 56, 114-123, 2019
Identifying the effect of climate variability on communal conflict through randomization
J Nordkvelle, SA Rustad, M Salmivalli
Climatic change 141, 627-639, 2017
Machine learning and the police: asking the right questions
A Vestby, J Vestby
Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice 15 (1), 44-58, 2021
PRIO-GRID v. 2.0 codebook
AF Tollefsen, K Bahgat, J Nordkvelle, H Buhaug
Journal of Peace Research 49 (2), 363-374, 2016
On growth projections in the shared socioeconomic pathways
H Buhaug, J Vestby
Global Environmental Politics 19 (4), 118-132, 2019
Why do some poor countries see armed conflict while others do not? A dual sector approach
J Vestby, H Buhaug, N von Uexkull
World Development 138, 105273, 2021
Societal determinants of flood-induced displacement
J Vestby, S Schutte, AF Tollefsen, H Buhaug
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 121 (3), e2206188120, 2024
Clionadh Raleigh, Jürgen Scheffran, Janpeter Schilling, Todd G. Smith, Ole Magnus Theisen, Richard SJ Tol, Henrik Urdal, and Nina von Uexkull (2014) One effect to rule them all …
H Buhaug, J Nordkvelle, T Bernauer, T Böhmelt, M Brzoska, JW Busby, ...
Climatic Change 127 (3-4), 391-397, 0
Climate and Conflict: A Comment on Hsiang et al.’s Reply to Buhaug et al.
H Buhaug, J Nordkvelle
Climate and international migration flows: A sensitivity analysis of gravity model specifications
J Vestby, AF Tollefsen, H Buhaug
Changes 1, 14, 2022
Early views: A prototype for a political violence early-warning system
M Colaresi, H Hegre, J Nordkvelle
American Political Science Association annual meeting 2016, Philadelphia, 2016
Predicting (de-) escalation of sub-national violence using gradient boosting: Does it work?
J Vestby, J Brandsch, VB Larsen, P Landsverk, AF Tollefsen
International Interactions 48 (4), 841-859, 2022
The 2023/24 VIEWS Prediction Challenge: Predicting the Number of Fatalities in Armed Conflict, with Uncertainty
H Hegre, P Vesco, M Colaresi, J Vestby, A Timlick, NS Kazmi, F Becker, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2407.11045, 2024
Climate, development, and conflict: Learning from the past and mapping uncertainties of the future
J Vestby
Legislative voting and party unity in the European Parliament
J Nordkvelle
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Articles 1–20