Robert-Paul Juster
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Allostatic load biomarkers of chronic stress and impact on health and cognition
RP Juster, BS McEwen, SJ Lupien
Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews 35 (1), 2-16, 2010
Chronic stress, cognitive functioning and mental health
MF Marin, C Lord, J Andrews, RP Juster, S Sindi, G Arsenault-Lapierre, ...
Neurobiology of learning and memory 96 (4), 583-595, 2011
The effects of chronic stress on the human brain: From neurotoxicity, to vulnerability, to opportunity
SJ Lupien, RP Juster, C Raymond, MF Marin
Frontiers in neuroendocrinology 49, 91-105, 2018
Mitochondrial allostatic load puts the'gluc'back in glucocorticoids
M Picard, RP Juster, BS McEwen
Nature Reviews Endocrinology 10 (5), 303-310, 2014
A transdisciplinary perspective of chronic stress in relation to psychopathology throughout life span development
RP Juster, G Bizik, M Picard, G Arsenault-Lapierre, S Sindi, L Trepanier, ...
Development and psychopathology 23 (3), 725-776, 2011
A clinical allostatic load index is associated with burnout symptoms and hypocortisolemic profiles in healthy workers
RP Juster, S Sindi, MF Marin, A Perna, A Hashemi, JC Pruessner, ...
Psychoneuroendocrinology 36 (6), 797-805, 2011
Sexual orientation and disclosure in relation to psychiatric symptoms, diurnal cortisol, and allostatic load
RP Juster, NG Smith, É Ouellet, S Sindi, SJ Lupien
Biopsychosocial Science and Medicine 75 (2), 103-116, 2013
Association of social support during adolescence with depression, anxiety, and suicidal ideation in young adults
S Scardera, LC Perret, I Ouellet-Morin, G Gariépy, RP Juster, M Boivin, ...
JAMA network open 3 (12), e2027491, 2020
Health risk behaviours and allostatic load: a systematic review
B Suvarna, A Suvarna, R Phillips, RP Juster, B McDermott, Z Sarnyai
Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews 108, 694-711, 2020
Sexual and gender minority health vulnerabilities during the COVID-19 health crisis
JK Gibb, LZ DuBois, S Williams, L McKerracher, RP Juster, J Fields
American Journal of Human Biology 32 (5), e23499, 2020
Sex and gender roles in relation to mental health and allostatic load
RP Juster, JC Pruessner, AB Desrochers, O Bourdon, N Durand, N Wan, ...
Psychosomatic medicine 78 (7), 788-804, 2016
Sex hormones adjust “sex-specific” reactive and diurnal cortisol profiles
RP Juster, C Raymond, AB Desrochers, O Bourdon, N Durand, N Wan, ...
Psychoneuroendocrinology 63, 282-290, 2016
Facebook behaviors associated with diurnal cortisol in adolescents: Is befriending stressful?
JK Morin-Major, MF Marin, N Durand, N Wan, RP Juster, SJ Lupien
Psychoneuroendocrinology 63, 238-246, 2016
Sexual orientation modulates endocrine stress reactivity
RP Juster, ML Hatzenbuehler, A Mendrek, JG Pfaus, NG Smith, ...
Biological Psychiatry 77 (7), 668-676, 2015
Allostatic load associations to acute, 3-year and 6-year prospective depressive symptoms in healthy older adults
RP Juster, MF Marin, S Sindi, NPV Nair, YK Ng, JC Pruessner, SJ Lupien
Physiology & behavior 104 (2), 360-364, 2011
Timing is everything: Anticipatory stress dynamics among cortisol and blood pressure reactivity and recovery in healthy adults
RP Juster, A Perna, MF Marin, S Sindi, SJ Lupien
Stress 15 (6), 569-577, 2012
Sexual and gender minority sleep: A narrative review and suggestions for future research
ES Butler, E McGlinchey, RP Juster
Journal of Sleep Research 29 (1), e12928, 2020
When we test, do we stress? Impact of the testing environment on cortisol secretion and memory performance in older adults
S Sindi, AJ Fiocco, RP Juster, J Pruessner, SJ Lupien
Psychoneuroendocrinology 38 (8), 1388-1396, 2013
The energetic cost of allostasis and allostatic load
N Bobba-Alves, RP Juster, M Picard
Psychoneuroendocrinology 146, 105951, 2022
The DeStress for Success Program: Effects of a stress education program on cortisol levels and depressive symptomatology in adolescents making the transition to high school
SJ Lupien, I Ouellet-Morin, L Trepanier, RP Juster, MF Marin, N Francois, ...
Neuroscience 249, 74-87, 2013
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Articles 1–20