Mattia Guidi
Mattia Guidi
Associate Professor of Political Science, University of Siena
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Psychological correlates of populist attitudes
C Erisen, M Guidi, S Martini, S Toprakkiran, P Isernia, L Littvay
Political Psychology 42, 149-171, 2021
Formal independence of regulatory agencies and Varieties of Capitalism: A case of institutional complementarity?
I Guardiancich, M Guidi
Regulation & Governance 10 (3), 211-229, 2016
Modes of regulatory governance: A political economy perspective
M Guidi, I Guardiancich, D Levi‐Faur
Governance 33 (1), 5-19, 2020
Intergovernmental or supranational integration? A quantitative analysis of pension recommendations in the European Semester
M Guidi, I Guardiancich
European Union Politics 19 (4), 684-706, 2018
The impact of independence on regulatory outcomes: The case of EU competition policy
M Guidi
JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies 53 (6), 1195-1213, 2015
Delegation and varieties of capitalism: Explaining the independence of national competition agencies in the European Union
M Guidi
Comparative European Politics 12 (3), 2013
Trade Liberalization and Labor Market Institutions
L Baccini, M Guidi, A Poletti, A Yildirim
International Organization, 2021
Il piano nazionale di ripresa e resilienza: dal governo Conte II al governo Draghi
M Guidi, M Moschella
Rivista Italiana di Politiche Pubbliche 16 (3), 406-430, 2021
The political economy of pension reforms in Europe under financial stress
I Guardiancich, M Guidi
Socio-Economic Review 20 (2), 817-840, 2022
Explaining informal policy-making patterns in the Eurozone crisis: Decentralized bargaining and the theory of EU institutions
M Schoeller, M Guidi, Y Karagiannis
International Journal of Public Administration 40 (14), 1211-1222, 2017
Competition Policy Enforcement in EU Member States
M Guidi
Springer. Retrieved from http://link. springer. com/content/pdf/10.1057/978 …, 2016
The logic of regulatory venue shopping: a firm's perspective
D Coen, M Guidi, N Yordanova, A Héritier
Public Policy and Adminstration, 2020
Institutional change and continuity in the European Union: The super-commissioner saga
Y Karagiannis, M Guidi
Acta Politica 49, 174-195, 2014
The Democratic Party of Matteo Renzi
M Guidi
Italian Politics, 2015
The Europeanization of the Catalan debate
M Guidi, M Casula
Between Democracy and Law: The Amorality of Secession, 2019
Beyond the European Semester: The supranational evaluation cycle for pensions
I Guardiancich, M Guidi, A Terlizzi
Journal of European Social Policy 32 (5), 578-591, 2022
Framing Effects on the COVID‐19 See‐Saw
F Olmastroni, M Guidi, S Martini, P Isernia
Swiss Political Science Review 27 (2), 257-270, 2021
Paranoid styles and innumeracy: implications of a conspiracy mindset on Europeans' misperceptions about immigrants
S Martini, M Guidi, F Olmastroni, L Basile, R Borri, P Isernia
Italian Political Science Review/Rivista Italiana di Scienza Politica 52 (1 …, 2022
Principal-Agent Models and EU Policy-Making
Y Karagiannis, M Guidi
The Routledge Handbook of European Public Policy, 15-24, 2017
The Relationship Between Independence and Accountability of Regulatory Agencies
M Guidi
Accountability and Regulatory Governance: Audiences, Controls and …, 2014
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Articles 1–20