Jürgen Pannek
Cited by
Cited by
Nonlinear Model Predictive Control: Theory and Algorithms
L Grüne, J Pannek
Springer London, 1st edition 2011, 2nd edition 2017, 2011
Security framework for industrial collaborative robotic cyber-physical systems
A Khalid, P Kirisci, ZH Khan, Z Ghrairi, KD Thoben, J Pannek
Computers in Industry 97, 132-145, 2018
Analysis of unconstrained nonlinear MPC schemes with time varying control horizon
L Grüne, J Pannek, M Seehafer, K Worthmann
SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization 48 (8), 4938-4962, 2010
A methodology to develop collaborative robotic cyber physical systems for production environments
A Khalid, P Kirisci, Z Ghrairi, KD Thoben, J Pannek
Logistics Research 9, 1-15, 2016
Road accidents detection, data collection and data analysis using V2X communication and edge/cloud computing
KA Khaliq, O Chughtai, A Shahwani, A Qayyum, J Pannek
Electronics 8 (8), 896, 2019
A networked unconstrained nonlinear MPC scheme
L Grüne, J Pannek, K Worthmann
2009 European Control Conference (ECC), 371-376, 2009
A prediction based control scheme for networked systems with delays and packet dropouts
L Grüne, J Pannek, K Worthmann
Decision and Control, 2009 held jointly with the 2009 28th Chinese Control …, 2009
Safety requirements in collaborative human–robot cyber-physical system
A Khalid, P Kirisci, Z Ghrairi, J Pannek, KD Thoben
Dynamics in Logistics: Proceedings of the 5th International Conference LDIC …, 2017
Practical NMPC suboptimality estimates along trajectories
L Grüne, J Pannek
Systems & Control Letters 58 (3), 161-168, 2009
Towards implementing safety and security concepts for human-robot collaboration in the context of Industry 4.0
A Khalid, P Kirisci, Z Ghrairi, KD Thoben, J Pannek
39th International MATADOR conference on advanced manufacturing 2, 55-63, 2017
Hybrid modelling approach for the scheduling and control of integrated production and logistic processes along export supply chains
EM Frazzon, A Albrecht, PA Hurtado, L de Souza Silva, J Pannek
IFAC-PapersOnLine 48 (3), 1521-1526, 2015
Analysis of unconstrained NMPC schemes with incomplete optimization
L Grüne, J Pannek
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 43 (14), 238-243, 2010
Prototype of automatic accident detection and management in vehicular environment using VANET and IoT
KA Khaliq, A Qayyum, J Pannek
2017 11th International Conference on Software, Knowledge, Information …, 2017
Experimental validation of an accident detection and management application in vehicular environment
KA Khaliq, SM Raza, O Chughtai, A Qayyum, J Pannek
Computers & Electrical Engineering 71, 137-150, 2018
Understanding vulnerabilities in cyber physical production systems
A Khalid, ZH Khan, M Idrees, P Kirisci, Z Ghrairi, KD Thoben, J Pannek
International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing 35 (6), 569-582, 2022
Model predictive control for nonlinear sampled-data systems
L Grüne, D Nešić, J Pannek
Assessment and future directions of nonlinear model predictive control, 105-113, 2007
Reducing the Prediction Horizon in NMPC: An Algorithm Based Approach
J Pannek, K Worthmann
Proceedings of the 18th IFAC World Congress (Milan, Italy), 7969-7974, 2011
Interaction of open and closed loop control in MPC
K Worthmann, MW Mehrez, GKI Mann, RG Gosine, J Pannek
Automatica 82, 243-250, 2017
Parallelizing a State Exchange Strategy for Noncooperative Distributed NMPC
J Pannek
System&Control Letters 62 (1), 29-36, 2013
Optimal camera placement to measure distances regarding static and dynamic obstacles
ML Hänel, S Kuhn, D Henrich, L Grüne, J Pannek
International Journal of Sensor Networks 12 (1), 25-36, 2012
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Articles 1–20