Giovanni Callegari
Cited by
Cited by
Successful austerity in the united states, europe and japan
N Batini, G Callegari, MG Melina
International Monetary Fund, 2012
Estimating trade elasticities: demand composition and the trade collapse of 2008–2009
M Bussière, G Callegari, F Ghironi, G Sestieri, N Yamano
American economic Journal: macroeconomics 5 (3), 118-151, 2013
Signals from the government: Policy disagreement and the transmission of fiscal shocks
G Ricco, G Callegari, J Cimadomo
Journal of Monetary Economics 82, 107-118, 2016
Public expenditures on social programs and household consumption in China
MD Coady, G Callegari, D Ding, J Woo, P Tommasino, ME Baldacci, ...
International Monetary Fund, 2010
A toolkit to assess fiscal vulnerabilities and risks in advanced economies
A Schaechter, CE Alper, E Arbatli, C Caceres, G Callegari, M Gerard, ...
Applied Economics 46 (6), 650-660, 2014
An Analysis of US Fiscal and Generational Imbalances: Who Will Pay and How?
N Batini, G Callegari, J Guerreiro
International Monetary Fund, 2011
A Status update on fiscal exit strategies
F Bornhorst, N Budina, G Callegari, AA ElGanainy, R Gomez Sirera, ...
IMF Working Paper, 2010
Dynamic fiscal limits and monetary-fiscal policy interactions
N Battistini, G Callegari, L Zavalloni
ECB Working Paper, 2019
Fiscal policy and consumption
G Callegari
European University Institute, 2007
Fiscal Monitor, April 2011: Shifting Gears-Tackling Challenges on the Road to Fiscal Adjustment
C Cottarelli, PR Gerson, G Callegari
International Monetary Fund, 2011
G. Melina (2012),“Successful Austerity in the United States, Europe and Japan”
N Batini, G Callegari
IMF Working Papers WP/12/190, 0
The fiscal mix in the euro-area crisis: dimensions and a model-based assessment of effects
G Callegari, F Drudi, K Kuester
Economic Policy 32 (89), 127-169, 2017
VSuccessful Aus& terity in the United States, Europe and JapanV
B Nicoletta, G Callegari, G Melina
IMF Working Paper, 2012
On a lender of last resort with a central bank and a stability fund
G Callegari, R Marimon, A Wicht, L Zavalloni
Review of Economic Dynamics 50, 106-130, 2023
Financial frictions and household debt: a new perspective on twin deficits
G Callegari
European Central Bank, mimeo, 2007
Balancing the burden: the costs of benefits for current retirees fall more on future Americans than on future Italians
N Batini, G Callegari
Finance & Development 48 (2), 19-22, 2011
N. Yamano (2011),“Estimating Trade Elasticities: Demand Composition and the Trade Collapse of 2008-09”
M Bussiere, G Callegari, F Ghironi, G Sestieri
NBER Working Paper 17712, 0
Signals from the government: policy disagreement and the transmission of fiscal shocks
G Callegari, J Cimadomo, G Ricco
ECB Working Paper, 2016
Signals from the government: Policy uncertainty and the transmission of fiscal shocks
G Ricco, G Callegari, J Cimadomo
Beyond the austerity dispute: new priorities for fiscal policy
G Callegari, F Drudi, K Kuester
Banca d’Italia workshop on “Beyond the Austerity Dispute: New Priorities for …, 2015
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Articles 1–20