Renato Neiva Sampaio
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Cited by
Unexpected Roles of Triethanolamine in the Photochemical Reduction of CO2 to Formate by Ruthenium Complexes
RN Sampaio, DC Grills, DE Polyansky, DJ Szalda, E Fujita
Journal of the American Chemical Society 142 (5), 2413-2428, 2019
Kinetic pathway for interfacial electron transfer from a semiconductor to a molecule
K Hu, AD Blair, EJ Piechota, PA Schauer, RN Sampaio, FGL Parlane, ...
Nature chemistry 8 (9), 853-859, 2016
Accessing photoredox transformations with an iron (III) photosensitizer and green light
A Aydogan, RE Bangle, A Cadranel, MD Turlington, DT Conroy, E Cauët, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 143 (38), 15661-15673, 2021
Dye-sensitized hydrobromic acid splitting for hydrogen solar fuel production
MD Brady, RN Sampaio, D Wang, TJ Meyer, GJ Meyer
Journal of the American Chemical Society 139 (44), 15612-15615, 2017
Molecular photoelectrode for water oxidation inspired by photosystem II
D Wang, RN Sampaio, L Troian-Gautier, SL Marquard, BH Farnum, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 141 (19), 7926-7933, 2019
Photoacidic and photobasic behavior of transition metal compounds with carboxylic acid group (s)
RM O’Donnell, RN Sampaio, G Li, PG Johansson, CL Ward, GJ Meyer
Journal of the American Chemical Society 138 (11), 3891-3903, 2016
Water photo-oxidation initiated by surface-bound organic chromophores
MS Eberhart, D Wang, RN Sampaio, SL Marquard, B Shan, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 139 (45), 16248-16255, 2017
Correlation Between Charge Recombination and Lateral Hole-Hopping Kinetics in a Series of cis-Ru(phen′)(dcb)(NCS)2 Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells
RN Sampaio, AV Müller, AS Polo, GJ Meyer
ACS applied materials & interfaces 9 (39), 33446-33454, 2017
Contrasting photophysical properties of rhenium (I) tricarbonyl complexes having carbazole groups attached to the polypyridine ligand
LD Ramos, RN Sampaio, FF de Assis, KT de Oliveira, P Homem-de-Mello, ...
Dalton Transactions 45 (29), 11688-11698, 2016
Electric Fields and Charge Screening in Dye Sensitized Mesoporous Nanocrystalline TiO2 Thin Films
RM O’Donnell, RN Sampaio, TJ Barr, GJ Meyer
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 118 (30), 16976-16986, 2014
Investigation of ground-and excited-state photophysical properties of 5, 10, 15, 20-tetra (4-pyridyl)-21H, 23H-porphyrin with ruthenium outlying complexes
RN Sampaio, WR Gomes, DMS Araujo, AEH Machado, RA Silva, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 116 (1), 18-26, 2012
Surface grafting of Ru (II) diazonium-based sensitizers on metal oxides enhances alkaline stability for solar energy conversion
R Bangle, RN Sampaio, L Troian-Gautier, GJ Meyer
ACS applied materials & interfaces 10 (3), 3121-3132, 2018
Dye-sensitized electron transfer from TiO 2 to oxidized triphenylamines that follows first-order kinetics
BN DiMarco, L Troian-Gautier, RN Sampaio, GJ Meyer
Chemical Science 9 (4), 940-949, 2018
A Charge‐Separated State that Lives for Almost a Second at a Conductive Metal Oxide Interface
RN Sampaio, L Troian‐Gautier, GJ Meyer
Angewandte Chemie 130 (47), 15616-15620, 2018
Evidence that ΔS Controls Interfacial Electron Transfer Dynamics from Anatase TiO2 to Molecular Acceptors
L Troian-Gautier, BN DiMarco, RN Sampaio, SL Marquard, GJ Meyer
Journal of the American Chemical Society 140 (8), 3019-3029, 2018
Optimization of photocatalyst excited-and ground-state reduction potentials for dye-sensitized hbr splitting
MD Brady, L Troian-Gautier, RN Sampaio, TC Motley, GJ Meyer
ACS applied materials & interfaces 10 (37), 31312-31323, 2018
Optical intramolecular electron transfer in opposite directions through the same bridge that follows different pathways
EJ Piechota, L Troian-Gautier, RN Sampaio, MK Brennaman, K Hu, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 140 (23), 7176-7186, 2018
Mechanistic investigation of a visible light mediated dehalogenation/cyclisation reaction using iron (iii), iridium (iii) and ruthenium (ii) photosensitizers
A Aydogan, RE Bangle, S De Kreijger, JC Dickenson, ML Singleton, ...
Catalysis Science & Technology 11 (24), 8037-8051, 2021
Electric Fields Control TiO2(e) + I3 → Charge Recombination in Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells
RN Sampaio, RM O’Donnell, TJ Barr, GJ Meyer
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 5 (18), 3265-3268, 2014
Photoinduced Self‐Assembled Nanostructures and Permanent Polaron Formation in Regioregular Poly (3‐hexylthiophene)
NMB Neto, MDR Silva, PT Araujo, RN Sampaio
Advanced Materials 30 (16), 1705052, 2018
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Articles 1–20