Kimberly Daugherty
Kimberly Daugherty
Assistant Dean of Academic Affairs and Assessment
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Factors leading patients to discontinue multiple sclerosis therapies
KK Daugherty, JS Butler, M Mattingly, M Ryan
Journal of the American Pharmacists Association 45 (3), 371-375, 2005
Backward course design: making the end the beginning
KK Daugherty
American journal of pharmaceutical education 70 (6), 2006
Botulinum toxin A in the treatment of sialorrhea
J Benson, KK Daugherty
Annals of Pharmacotherapy 41 (1), 79-85, 2007
Best practices related to examination item construction and post-hoc review
MJ Rudolph, KK Daugherty, ME Ray, VP Shuford, L Lebovitz, MV DiVall
American journal of pharmaceutical education 83 (7), 7204, 2019
Best practices on examination construction, administration, and feedback
ME Ray, KK Daugherty, L Lebovitz, MJ Rudolph, VP Shuford, MV DiVall
American journal of pharmaceutical education 82 (10), 7066, 2018
KK Daugherty
American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy 65 (14), 1323-1332, 2008
Multisite study assessing the effect of cognitive test anxiety on academic and standardized test performance
AN Pate, S Neely, DR Malcom, KK Daugherty, M Zagar, MS Medina
American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education 85 (1), 8041, 2021
ARCS motivation model application in a pharmacy elective
KK Daugherty
Currents in Pharmacy Teaching and Learning 11 (12), 1274-1280, 2019
Review of insulin therapy
KK Daugherty
Journal of Pharmacy Practice 17 (1), 10-19, 2004
Impact of a journal club elective course on student learning measures
JN Burris, EK Frederick, DR Malcom, S Raake, M Shin, KK Daugherty
American journal of pharmaceutical education 83 (7), 6827, 2019
Creating an arms race? Examining school costs and motivations for providing NAPLEX and PCOA preparation
L Lebovitz, VP Shuford, MV DiVall, KK Daugherty, MJ Rudolph
American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education 81 (7), 5909, 2017
A scoping review of the hidden curriculum in pharmacy education
SK Park, AMH Chen, KK Daugherty, LM Frankart, RA Koenig
American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education 87 (3), ajpe8999, 2023
The use of portfolios in US pharmacy schools
KK Daugherty, DM Cumberland
American journal of pharmaceutical education 82 (3), 6239, 2018
Assessing the relationship between didactic performance and standardized examination scores in pharmacy students
KK Daugherty, DR Malcom
American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education 84 (8), ajpe847712, 2020
Educational research and scholarship–Brainstorming, developing, and publishing together as teams
KK Daugherty, L Lebovitz, MV DiVall
Currents in Pharmacy Teaching and Learning 13 (11), 1389-1392, 2021
Integrated Planning: The" Difference That Makes a Difference" in Institutional Effectiveness over Time.
JP Hoshaw, M Ben-Avie, KK Daughtery, NR Santilli, ...
Intersection: A Journal at the Intersection of Assessment and Learning 2 (3), n3, 2021
Leading change in academic pharmacy: report of the 2018-2019 AACP Academic Affairs Committee
DF Gregory, KM Boje, RA Carter, KK Daugherty, NE Hagemeier, ...
American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education 83 (10), 7661, 2019
Enhancing pharmacists’ recommendation process in an internal medicine resident clinic
KK Daugherty, K Kangas
Journal of the American Pharmacists Association 44 (1), 89-93, 2004
Recommendations and next steps for competency-based pharmacy education
DH Rhoney, AMH Chen, MD Churchwell, KK Daugherty, JB Jarrett, ...
American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education 87 (10), 100549, 2023
Rethinking the pharmacy workforce crisis by exploring unconventional and emerging career pathways and training
SK Park, KK Daugherty, S Kolluru, L Lebovitz, S Gunaseelan, BK Janetski, ...
American journal of pharmaceutical education 86 (6), 8773, 2022
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Articles 1–20