Houssam-Eddine ZAHAF
Houssam-Eddine ZAHAF
Associate professor, PhD, University of Nantes
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Cited by
Energy-Efficient Scheduling for Moldable Real-Time Tasks on Heterogeneous Computing Platforms
GL Houssam-Eddine Zahaf, , Abou El Hassen Benyamina , Richard Olejnik,
Journal of Systems Architecture, 2017
The HPC-DAG Task Model for Heterogeneous Real-Time Systems
Z Houssam-Eddine, C Nicola, C Roberto, L Giuseppe, B Marko
IEEE Transactions on computers, 2020
The parallel multi-mode digraph task model for energy-aware real-time heterogeneous multi-core systems
HE Zahaf, G Lipari, M Bertogna, P Boulet
IEEE Transactions on Computers 68 (10), 1511-1524, 2019
Preemption-aware allocation, deadline assignment for conditional dags on partitioned edf
HE Zahaf, G Lipari, S Niar
2020 IEEE 26th International Conference on Embedded and Real-Time Computing …, 2020
Modeling parallel real-time tasks with di-graphs
HE Zahaf, AEH Benyamina, G Lipari, R Olejnik, P Boulet
Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Real-Time Networks and …, 2016
Contention-free scheduling of PREM tasks on partitioned multicore platforms
I Senoussaoui, HE Zahaf, G Lipari, KM Benhaoua
2022 IEEE 27th International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory …, 2022
Toward memory-centric scheduling for PREM task on multicore platforms, when processor assignments are specified
I Senoussaoui, MK Benhaoua, HE Zahaf, G Lipari
2022 3rd International Conference on Embedded & Distributed Systems (EDiS …, 2022
Contention-aware GPU partitioning and task-to-partition allocation for real-time workloads
HE Zahaf, IS Olmedo, J Singh, N Capodieci, S Faucou
Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Real-Time Networks and …, 2021
Design and analysis of programming platform for accelerated GPU-like architectures
HE Zahaf, G Lipari
Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Real-Time Networks and …, 2020
A new congestion-aware routing algorithm in network-on-chip: 2D and 3D comparison
K Gaffour, MK Benhaoua, AH Benyamina, HE Zahaf
International Journal of Computers and Applications 45 (1), 27-35, 2023
Energy efficient scheduling of parallel real-time tasks on heterogeneous multicore systems
HE Zahaf
Université de Lille 1, Sciences et Technologies, 2016
An analysis and simulation tool of real-time communications in on-chip networks: A comparative study
C Benchehida, MK Benhaoua, HE Zahaf, G Lipari
ACM SIGBED Review 17 (1), 5-11, 2020
Allocation of real-time tasks onto identical core platforms under deferred fixed preemption-point model
I Senoussaoui, HE Zahaf, MK Benhaoua, G Lipari, R Olejnik
Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Real-Time Networks and …, 2020
Task and communication allocation for real-time tasks to networks-on-chip multiprocessors
C Benchehida, MK Benhaoua, HE Zahaf, G Lipari
2020 Second International Conference on Embedded & Distributed Systems (EDiS …, 2020
Pruda: An api for time and space predictible programming in nvdia gpus using cuda
R Tekin, HE Zahaf, G Lipari
Junior Workshop: JRWRTC-Real-Time Networks and Systems 2019, 2019
Memory-processor co-scheduling of AECR-DAG real-time tasks on partitioned multicore platforms with scratchpads
I Senoussaoui, G Lipari, HE Zahaf, MK Benhaoua
Journal of Systems Architecture 150, 103117, 2024
Toward precise real-time scheduling on NVIDIA GPUs
N Feddal, HE Zahaf, G Lipari
Proceedings of the 15th Junior Researcher Workshop for Real-Time Computing …, 2022
Memory-processor co-scheduling for real-time tasks on network-on-chip manycore architectures
C Benchehida, MK Benhaoua, HE Zahaf, G Lipari
International Journal of High Performance Systems Architecture 11 (1), 1-11, 2022
Migrate when necessary: toward partitioned reclaiming for soft real-time tasks
Z Houssam-Eddine, L Giuseppe, A Luca
RTNS, 2017
Modelling the Energy Consumption of Soft Real-Time Tasks on Heterogeneous Computing Architectures
HE Zahaf, R Olejnik, G Lipari, AEH Benyamina
Energy Efficiency with Heterogenous Computing, 2016
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Articles 1–20