Wei Lou
Cited by
Cited by
On reducing broadcast redundancy in ad hoc wireless networks
W Lou, J Wu
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing 1 (2), 111-123, 2002
Energy-efficient wake-up scheduling for data collection and aggregation
Y Wu, XY Li, M Li, W Lou
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems 21 (2), 275-287, 2010
Target-oriented scheduling in directional sensor networks
Y Cai, W Lou, M Li, XY Li
26th IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM …, 2007
Extended multipoint relays to determine connected dominating sets in MANETs
J Wu, W Lou, F Dai
IEEE Transactions on Computers 55 (3), 334-347, 2006
Energy efficient TDMA sleep scheduling in wireless sensor networks
J Ma, W Lou, Y Wu, XY Li, G Chen
IEEE INFOCOM 2009, 630-638, 2009
Forward‐node‐set‐based broadcast in clustered mobile ad hoc networks
J Wu, W Lou
Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing 3 (2), 155-173, 2003
Energy efficient target-oriented scheduling in directional sensor networks
Y Cai, W Lou, M Li, XY Li
IEEE Transactions on Computers, 58 (9), 1259-1274, 2009
Double-covered broadcast (dcb): A simple reliable broadcast algorithm in manets
W Lou, J Wu
Twenty-third AnnualJoint Conference of the IEEE Computer and Communications …, 2004
PVA in VANETs: Stopped cars are not silent
N Liu, M Liu, W Lou, G Chen, J Cao
IEEE INFOCOM, 2011, 431-435, 2011
Toward broadcast reliability in mobile ad hoc networks with double coverage
W Lou, J Wu
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, 6 (2), 148-163, 2007
On protecting end-to-end location privacy against local eavesdropper in wireless sensor networks
H Chen, W Lou
Pervasive and Mobile Computing 16, 36-50, 2015
On charging scheduling optimization for a wirelessly charged electric bus system
C Yang, W Lou, J Yao, S Xie
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 19 (6), 1814-1826, 2017
When transportation meets communication: V2p over vanets
N Liu, M Liu, J Cao, G Chen, W Lou
IEEE 30th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS …, 2010
Securing DV-Hop localization against wormhole attacks in wireless sensor networks
H Chen, W Lou, Z Wang, J Wu, Z Wang, A Xia
Pervasive and Mobile Computing 16, 22-35, 2015
Contiguous Link Scheduling for Data Aggregation in Wireless Sensor Networks
J Ma, W Lou, XY Li
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distrubted Systems 25 (7), 1691 - 1701, 2014
An information model for geographic greedy forwarding in wireless ad-hoc sensor networks
Z Jiang, J Ma, W Lou, J Wu
The IEEE 27th Conference on Computer Communications INFOCOM, 2008., 2008
Minimum latency broadcast scheduling in duty-cycled multihop wireless networks
X Jiao, W Lou, J Ma, J Cao, X Wang, X Zhou
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 23 (1), 110-117, 2012
From nowhere to somewhere: protecting end-to-end location privacy in wireless sensor networks
H Chen, W Lou
IEEE 29th International Performance Computing and Communications Conference …, 2010
A novel mobility management scheme for target tracking in cluster-based sensor networks
Z Wang, W Lou, Z Wang, J Ma, H Chen
Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems: 6th IEEE International Conference …, 2010
Resource allocation for edge computing-based vehicle platoon on freeway: A contract-optimization approach
C Yang, W Lou, Y Liu, S Xie
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 69 (12), 15988-16000, 2020
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