Ola Ahlqvist
Ola Ahlqvist
Professor, Geography, The Ohio State University
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Extending post-classification change detection using semantic similarity metrics to overcome class heterogeneity: A study of 1992 and 2001 US National Land Cover Database changes
O Ahlqvist
Remote Sensing of Environment 112 (3), 1226-1241, 2008
Rough classification and accuracy assessment
O Ahlqvist, J Keukelaar, K Oukbir
International Journal of Geographical Information Science 14 (5), 475-496, 2000
Using uncertain conceptual spaces to translate between land cover categories
O Ahlqvist
International journal of geographical information science 19 (7), 831-857, 2005
Rough and fuzzy geographical data integration
O Ahlqvist, J Keukelaar, K Oukbir
International Journal of Geographical Information Science 17 (3), 223-234, 2003
A parameterized representation of uncertain conceptual spaces
O Ahlqvist
Transactions in GIS 8 (4), 493-514, 2004
In search of classification that supports the dynamics of science: the FAO Land Cover Classification System and proposed modifications
O Ahlqvist
Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design 35 (1), 169-186, 2008
Spatial and semantic dimensions of landscape heterogeneity
O Ahlqvist, A Shortridge
Landscape Ecology 25, 573-590, 2010
Representing and negotiating uncertain geospatial concepts–Where are the exurban areas?
H Ban, O Ahlqvist
Computers, Environment and Urban Systems 33 (4), 233-246, 2009
Geogames and geoplay
O Ahlqvist, C Schlieder
Cham, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing, 2018
Synchronous objects for one flat thing, reproduced
M Palazzi, NZ Shaw, W Forsythe, M Lewis, B Albright, M Andereck, ...
ACM SIGGRAPH 2009 Art Gallery, 1-1, 2009
Converging themes in cartography and computer games
O Ahlqvist
Cartography and Geographic Information Science 38 (3), 278-285, 2011
Geospatial Human‐environment Simulation through Integration of Massive Multiplayer Online Games and Geographic Information Systems
O Ahlqvist, T Loffing, J Ramanathan, A Kocher
Transactions in GIS 16 (3), 331-350, 2012
Cyber literacy for GIScience: Toward formalizing geospatial computing education
E Shook, FJ Bowlick, KK Kemp, O Ahlqvist, P Carbajeles-Dale, D DiBiase, ...
The professional geographer 71 (2), 221-238, 2019
Characterizing land cover structure with semantic variograms
O Ahlqvist, A Shortridge
Progress in Spatial Data Handling: 12th International Symposium on Spatial …, 2006
Introducing geogames and geoplay: characterizing an emerging research field
O Ahlqvist, C Schlieder
Geogames and geoplay: Game-based approaches to the analysis of geo …, 2018
The use of intraoral radiographs for identification of edentulous patients rehabilitated with implants
J Johansson, M Bladh, M Sjöström, J Ahlqvist
The Journal of Forensic Odonto-Stomatology-JFOS 34 (1), 1: 9-1: 9, 2016
Probing the relationship between classification error and class similarity
O Ahlqvist, M Gahegan
Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing 71 (12), 1365-1373, 2005
Tapping geography's potential for synergy with creative instructional approaches
K Conway-Gómez, N Williams, C Atkinson-Palombo, O Ahlqvist, E Kim, ...
Journal of Geography in Higher Education 35 (3), 409-423, 2011
Using semantic similarity metrics to uncover category and land cover change
O Ahlqvist
International Conference on GeoSpatial Sematics, 107-119, 2005
Statistical counterpoint: Knowledge discovery of choreographic information using spatio-temporal analysis and visualization
O Ahlqvist, H Ban, N Cressie, NZ Shaw
Applied Geography 30 (4), 548-560, 2010
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Articles 1–20