Mattia Di Ubaldo
Mattia Di Ubaldo
Research Fellow; School of Business, Management and Economics; University of Sussex
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The pursuit of non-trade policy objectives in EU trade policy
I Borchert, P Conconi, M Di Ubaldo, C Herghelegiu
World Trade Review 20 (5), 623-647, 2021
Investment in Knowledge‐Based Capital and Productivity: Firm‐Level Evidence from a Small Open Economy
M Di Ubaldo, I Siedschlag
Review of Income and Wealth 67 (2), 363-393, 2021
Deep services trade agreements and their effect on trade and value added
I Borchert, M Di Ubaldo
World Bank, 2021
Non-trade provisions in trade agreements and FDI
M Di Ubaldo, M Gasiorek
European Journal of Political Economy 75, 102208, 2022
Trade Conditionality in the EU and WTO legal regimes
I Borchert, P Conconi, M Di Ubaldo, C Herghelegiu
RESPECT working paper. Available at: http://respect. eui. eu/wpcontent …, 2018
Go ahead and trade: the effect of uncertainty removal in the EU’s GSP scheme
I Borchert, M Di Ubaldo
Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies Research Paper No. RSCAS 15, 2020
Productivity spillovers from multinational activity to local firms in Ireland
M Di Ubaldo, M Lawless, I Siedschlag
OECD, 2018
The performance of the Single Market for goods after 25 years
Y Wolfmayr, K Friesenbichler, H Oberhofer, M Pfaffermayr, I Siedschlag, ...
Available at SSRN 3462650, 2019
Productivity spillovers from multinational activity to indigenous firms in Ireland
M Di Ubaldo, M Lawless, I Siedschlag
ESRI working paper, 2018
Voluntary programs and emissions revisited: What is the effect of EU trade agreements with environmental provisions?
M Di Ubaldo, S McGuire, V Shirodkar
Journal of International Business Policy, 2022
Innovation and self-employment
T Ciarli, M Di Ubaldo, M Savona
Handbook of Labor, Human Resources and Population Economics, 1-20, 2020
Drivers and obstacles to competitiveness in the EU: The role of value chains and the single market
K Friesenbichler, C Glocker, W Hölzl, S Kaniovski, A Kügler, A Reinstaller, ...
International trade regulation and job creation
M Di Ubaldo, LA Winters
IZA World of Labor, 2020
Determinants of firms' inputs sourcing choices: the role of institutional and regulatory factors
M Di Ubaldo, I Siedschlag
ESRI Working Paper, 2018
Could spillovers from multinationals affect the trade activities of local firms?
M Di Ubaldo, I Siedschlag
Economics Letters 221, 110899, 2022
The impact of investment in innovation on productivity: firm-level evidence from Ireland
M Di Ubaldo, I Siedschlag
ESRI Working Paper, 2017
EU trade policies: Carrot-and-stick mechanisms in the pursuit of non-trade policy objectives?
I Borchert, P Conconi, M Di Ubaldo, C Herghelegiu
VoxEU, 2020
The effect of ISO 14001 certifications on emissions: Any role for EU agreements with environmental protection provisions?
M Di Ubaldo, S McGuire, V Shirodkar
RESPECT mimeo, December, 2019
Comparative Performance of Indigenous and Multinational Firms Operating in Ireland
I Siedschlag, M Di Ubaldo, MT Koecklin
WIFO Studies, 2017
Inclusive Trade: Four Crucial Aspects
LA Winters
Chapter, 2022
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Articles 1–20