Hua Bao
Hua Bao
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Double-layer nanoparticle-based coatings for efficient terrestrial radiative cooling
H Bao, C Yan, B Wang, X Fang, CY Zhao, X Ruan
Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 168, 78-84, 2017
High‐Performance Thermally Conductive Phase Change Composites by Large‐Size Oriented Graphite Sheets for Scalable Thermal Energy Harvesting
S Wu, T Li, Z Tong, J Chao, T Zhai, J Xu, T Yan, M Wu, Z Xu, H Bao, ...
Advanced Materials 31 (49), 1905099, 2019
Thermal conductivity of graphene-based polymer nanocomposites
X Huang, C Zhi, Y Lin, H Bao, G Wu, P Jiang, YW Mai
Materials Science and Engineering: R: Reports 142, 100577, 2020
Thermal conductivity of silicene calculated using an optimized Stillinger-Weber potential
X Zhang, H Xie, M Hu, H Bao, S Yue, G Qin, G Su
Physical Review B 89 (5), 054310, 2014
Predicting the effective thermal conductivities of composite materials and porous media by machine learning methods
H Wei, S Zhao, Q Rong, H Bao
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 127, 908-916, 2018
A review of simulation methods in micro/nanoscale heat conduction
H Bao, J Chen, X Gu, B Cao
ES Energy & Environment 1 (24), 16-55, 2018
Molecular dynamics simulations of lattice thermal conductivity and spectral phonon mean free path of PbTe: Bulk and nanostructures
B Qiu, H Bao, G Zhang, Y Wu, X Ruan
Computational Materials Science 53 (1), 278-285, 2012
Large tunability of lattice thermal conductivity of monolayer silicene via mechanical strain
H Xie, T Ouyang, É Germaneau, G Qin, M Hu, H Bao
Physical Review B 93 (7), 075404, 2016
Ladderphane copolymers for high-temperature capacitive energy storage
J Chen, Y Zhou, X Huang, C Yu, D Han, A Wang, Y Zhu, K Shi, Q Kang, ...
Nature 615 (7950), 62-66, 2023
Thermal conductivity of silicene from first-principles
H Xie, M Hu, H Bao
Applied Physics Letters 104 (13), 131906, 2014
Thermo‐Optically Designed Scalable Photonic Films with High Thermal Conductivity for Subambient and Above‐Ambient Radiative Cooling
P Li, A Wang, J Fan, Q Kang, P Jiang, H Bao, X Huang
Advanced Functional Materials 32 (5), 2109542, 2022
Influence of thermostatting on nonequilibrium molecular dynamics simulations of heat conduction in solids
Z Li, S Xiong, C Sievers, Y Hu, Z Fan, N Wei, H Bao, S Chen, D Donadio, ...
The Journal of Chemical Physics 151 (23), 234105, 2019
Optical absorption enhancement in disordered vertical silicon nanowire arrays for photovoltaic applications
H Bao, X Ruan
Optics letters 35 (20), 3378-3380, 2010
Comprehensive first-principles analysis of phonon thermal conductivity and electron-phonon coupling in different metals
Z Tong, S Li, X Ruan, H Bao
Physical Review B 100 (14), 144306, 2019
Dynamic tuning of optical absorbers for accelerated solar-thermal energy storage
Z Wang, Z Tong, Q Ye, H Hu, X Nie, C Yan, W Shang, C Song, J Wu, ...
Nature communications 8 (1), 1478, 2017
Millefeuille-Inspired Thermally Conductive Polymer Nanocomposites with Overlapping BN Nanosheets for Thermal Management Applications
J Chen, H Wei, H Bao, P Jiang, X Huang
ACS applied materials & interfaces 11 (34), 31402-31410, 2019
Predicting the effective thermal conductivity of composites from cross sections images using deep learning methods
Q Rong, H Wei, X Huang, H Bao
Composites Science and Technology 184, 107861, 2019
Reliability of Raman measurements of thermal conductivity of single-layer graphene due to selective electron-phonon coupling: A first-principles study
AK Vallabhaneni, D Singh, H Bao, J Murthy, X Ruan
Physical Review B 93 (12), 125432, 2016
Spider Web-Inspired Graphene Skeleton-Based High Thermal Conductivity Phase Change Nanocomposites for Battery Thermal Management
Y Lin, Q Kang, H Wei, H Bao, P Jiang, YW Mai, X Huang
Nano-Micro Letters 13 (1), 1-14, 2021
Effect of atmospheric water vapor on radiative cooling performance of different surfaces
C Liu, Y Wu, B Wang, CY Zhao, H Bao
Solar Energy 183, 218-225, 2019
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Articles 1–20