Amer  Hayat Khan
Amer Hayat Khan
Department of Clinical Pharmacy, School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia
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Cited by
Prevalence and predictors of depression among hemodialysis patients: a prospective follow-up study
A Khan, AH Khan, AS Adnan, SAS Sulaiman, S Mushtaq
BMC public health 19, 1-13, 2019
Clinico-laboratory spectrum of dengue viral infection and risk factors associated with dengue hemorrhagic fever: a retrospective study
TH Mallhi, AH Khan, AS Adnan, A Sarriff, YH Khan, F Jummaat
BMC infectious diseases 15, 1-12, 2015
Incidence, characteristics and risk factors of acute kidney injury among dengue patients: a retrospective analysis
TH Mallhi, AH Khan, AS Adnan, A Sarriff, YH Khan, F Jummaat
PloS one 10 (9), e0138465, 2015
Knowledge, attitude and practice (KAP) survey of osteoporosis among students of a tertiary institution in Malaysia
YH Khan, A Sarriff, AH Khan, TH Mallhi
Tropical Journal of Pharmaceutical Research 13 (1), 155-162, 2014
Chronic kidney disease, fluid overload and diuretics: a complicated triangle
YH Khan, A Sarriff, AS Adnan, AH Khan, TH Mallhi
PloS one 11 (7), e0159335, 2016
Determinants of mortality and prolonged hospital stay among dengue patients attending tertiary care hospital: a cross-sectional retrospective analysis
TH Mallhi, AH Khan, A Sarriff, AS Adnan, YH Khan
BMJ open 7 (7), e016805, 2017
A standardized dataset of a spontaneous adverse event reporting system
MA Khaleel, AH Khan, SMS Ghadzi, AS Adnan, QM Abdallah
Healthcare 10 (3), 420, 2022
Contact screening and risk factors for TB among the household contact of children with active TB: a way to find source case and new TB cases
M Laghari, SAS Sulaiman, AH Khan, BA Talpur, Z Bhatti, N Memon
BMC public health 19, 1-10, 2019
Evaluation of health-related quality of life among tuberculosis patients in two cities in Yemen
AAS Jaber, AH Khan, SA Syed Sulaiman, N Ahmad, MS Anaam
PloS one 11 (6), e0156258, 2016
Management and treatment outcomes of MDR-TB: results from a setting with high rates of drug resistance
N Ahmad, A Javaid, A Basit, AK Afridi, MA Khan, I Ahmad, SAS Sulaiman, ...
The International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease 19 (9), 1109-1114, 2015
Effects of multidrug resistant tuberculosis treatment on patients’ health related quality of life: results from a follow up study
N Ahmad, A Javaid, SA Syed Sulaiman, A Basit, AK Afridi, AAS Jaber, ...
PloS one 11 (7), e0159560, 2016
Association of knowledge and cultural perceptions of Malaysian women with delay in diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer: a systematic review
TM Khan, JPY Leong, LC Ming, AH Khan
Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention 16 (13), 5349-5357, 2015
Healthcare workers’ knowledge, preparedness, counselling practices, and perceived barriers to confront COVID-19: A cross-sectional study from a war-torn country, Yemen
FY Al-Ashwal, M Kubas, M Zawiah, AN Bitar, R Mukred Saeed, ...
PloS one 15 (12), e0243962, 2020
Predictors of two months culture conversion in multidrug-resistant tuberculosis: findings from a retrospective cohort study
A Basit, N Ahmad, AH Khan, A Javaid, SA Syed Sulaiman, AK Afridi, ...
PloS one 9 (4), e93206, 2014
Impact of diabetes mellitus on treatment outcomes of tuberculosis patients in tertiary care setup
SAS Sulaiman, AH Khan, N Ahmad, MS Iqubal, AR Muttalif, MA Hassali
The American journal of the medical sciences 345 (4), 321-325, 2013
Effect of smoking on treatment outcome among tuberculosis patients in Malaysia; a multicenter study
AH Khan, SAS Sulaiman, MA Hassali, KU Khan, LC Ming, O Mateen, ...
BMC Public Health 20, 1-8, 2020
Occurrence, management, and risk factors for adverse drug reactions in multidrug resistant tuberculosis patients
N Ahmad, A Javaid, SAS Sulaiman, AK Afridi, AH Khan
American journal of therapeutics 25 (5), e533-e540, 2018
Effect of fruit/vegetable-drug interactions on CYP450, OATP and p-glycoprotein: A systematic review
TH Mallhi, A Sarriff, AS Adnan, YH Khan, MI Qadir, AA Hamzah, AH Khan
Tropical Journal of Pharmaceutical Research 14 (10), 1927-1935, 2015
Treatment outcomes and risk factors of extra-pulmonary tuberculosis in patients with co-morbidities
AH Khan, SAS Sulaiman, M Laghari, MA Hassali, AR Muttalif, Z Bhatti, ...
BMC infectious diseases 19, 1-14, 2019
Incidence and risk factors of surgical site infection among patients undergoing cesarean section
HH Jasim, SAS Sulaiman, AH Khan, OT Dawood, AH Abdulameer, ...
Clinical Medicine Insights: Therapeutics 9, 1179559X17725273, 2017
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Articles 1–20