SK Abdul Mudalip
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Cited by
Phytochemical and pharmacological properties of Vernonia amygdalina: a review
OR Alara, NH Abdurahman, SKA Mudalip, OA Olalere
Journal of Chemical Engineering and Industrial Biotechnology V2 80, 96, 2017
Correlation between the extraction yield of mangiferin to the antioxidant activity, total phenolic and total flavonoid content of Phaleria macrocarpa fruits
YP Lim, SF Pang, MM Yusoff, SKA Mudalip, J Gimbun
Journal of Applied Research on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants 14, 100224, 2019
Effect of drying methods on the free radicals scavenging activity of Vernonia amygdalina growing in Malaysia
OR Alara, NH Abdurahman, SKA Mudalip, OA Olalere
Journal of King Saud University-Science 31 (4), 495-499, 2019
Microwave-assisted extraction of Vernonia amygdalina leaf for optimal recovery of total phenolic content
OR Alara, NH Abdurahman, SKA Mudalip, OA Olalere
Journal of Applied Research on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants 10, 16-24, 2018
A short review on encapsulation of bioactive compounds using different drying techniques
SKA Mudalip, MN Khatiman, NA Hashim, RC Man, ZIM Arshad
Materials Today: Proceedings 42, 288-296, 2021
Optimization of mangiferin extrated from Phaleria macrocarpa fruits using response surface methodology
OR Alara, SKA Mudalip, OA Olalere
Journal of Applied Research on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants 5, 82-87, 2017
Molecular Recognition and Solubility of Mefenamic Acid in Water
SKA Mudalip, MRA Bakar, P Jamal, F Adam, ZM Alam
Asian Journal of Chemistry 28 (4), 853, 2016
Evaluation of solvents’ effect on solubility, intermolecular interaction energies and habit of ascorbic acid crystals
S Hassan, F Adam, MRA Bakar, SKA Mudalip
Journal of Saudi Chemical Society 23 (2), 239-248, 2019
Characterization and effect of extraction solvents on the yield and total phenolic content from Vernonia amygdalina leaves
OR Alara, NH Abdurahman, SKA Mudalip, OA Olalere
Journal of Food Measurement and Characterization 12, 311-316, 2018
Mathematical modeling of thin layer drying using open sun and shade of Vernonia amygdalina leaves
OR Alara, NH Abdurahman, SKA Mudalip, OA Olalere
Agriculture and Natural Resources 52 (1), 53-58, 2018
Solubility and dissolution thermodynamic data of mefenamic acid crystals in different classes of organic solvents
SK Abdul Mudalip, MR Abu Bakar, P Jamal, F Adam
Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data 58 (12), 3447-3452, 2013
Microwave-assisted extraction and characterization of fatty acid from eel fish (Monopterus albus)
HK Afolabi, SKA Mudalip, OR Alara
Beni-Suef University journal of basic and applied sciences 7 (4), 465-470, 2018
Structures and hydrogen bonding recognition of mefenamic acid form I crystals in mefenamic acid/ethanol solution
SKA Mudalip, MRA Bakar, F Adam, P Jamal
Int. J. Chem. Eng. Appl 4 (3), 124-128, 2013
SPV based water pumping system for an academic institution
M Jamil, AS Anees, M Rizwan
American Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems 1 (1), 1-7, 2012
Data on parametric influence of microwave-assisted extraction on the recovery yield, total phenolic content and antioxidant activity of Phaleria macrocarpa fruit peel extract
OR Alara, SKA Mudalip, NH Abdurahman, MS Mahmoud, EOO Obanijesu
Chemical Data Collections 24, 100277, 2019
Extract‐rich in flavonoids from Hibiscus sabdariffa calyces: Optimizing microwave‐assisted extraction method and characterization through LC‐Q‐TOF‐MS analysis
OR Alara, NH Abdurahman, EO Obanijesu, JA Alara, SK Abdul Mudalip
Journal of Food Process Engineering 43 (2), e13339, 2020
Effect of chemical breaking agents on water-in-crude oil emulsion system
M Nurainia, HN Abdurahmanab, A Kholijaha
Int J 2 (4), 250-254, 2011
Ultrasonic extraction of oil from Monopterus albus: Effects of different ultrasonic power, solvent volume and sonication time
S Abdullah, SKA Mudalip, SM Shaarani, NAC Pi
Journal of Applied Sciences(Faisalabad) 10 (21), 2713-2716, 2010
Effects of ultrasonic waves on vapor-liquid equilibrium of an azeotropic mixture
A Ripin, SK Abdul Mudalip, Z Sukaimi, RM Yunus, ZA Manan
Separation Science and Technology 44 (11), 2707-2719, 2009
Optimizing Microwave‐Assisted Extraction Conditions to Obtain Phenolic Compounds‐Rich Extract from Chromolaena odorata Leaves
OR Alara, NH Abdurahman, SKA Mudalip
Chemical Engineering & Technology, 2019
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Articles 1–20