Faaizah Shahbodin,  F Shahbodin, Faaizah S, Shahbodin F, S Faaizah
Faaizah Shahbodin, F Shahbodin, Faaizah S, Shahbodin F, S Faaizah
Profesor Ts Dr Faaizah Shahbodin, Faculty of Information and Communication Technology, Universiti
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The development of online project based collaborative learning using ADDIE model
RS Nadiyah, S Faaizah
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 195, 1803-1812, 2015
Malaysian higher education system towards industry 4.0–current trends overview
M Maria, F Shahbodin, NC Pee
AIP Conference Proceedings 2016 (1), 2018
Serious Game for Autism Children: Review of Literature.
HAM Noor, F Shahbodin, NC Pee
Personalized learning environment: alpha testing, beta testing & user acceptance test
CKNCK Mohd, F Shahbodin
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 195, 837-843, 2015
Chemistry problem solving instruction: a comparison of three computer-based formats for learning from hierarchical network problem representations
BH Ngu, E Mit, F Shahbodin, J Tuovinen
Instructional Science 37, 21-42, 2009
S., & Naim, CP (2014). Personalized Learning Environment (PLE) Experience in the 21st Century
CK Nuraini, F CKM
4th World Congress on Information and Communication Technology 7 (1), 14-21, 0
Game based learning for autism in learning mathematics
C Mohd, F Shahbodin, M Sedek, M Samsudin
International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology 29 (5), 4684-4691, 2020
Assistive Technology for Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Review of Literature
MM Faaizah Shahbodin, Siti Nur Syuhada Che Daud
Proceedings of International MEDLIT Conference 2018 1 (1), 1-7, 2018
Online collaborative learning elements to propose an online project based collaborative learning model
SN Razali, F Shahbodin, H Hussin, N Bakar
Jurnal Teknologi 77 (23), 2015
A review of gamification tools to boost students' motivation and engagement
CK Mohd, CK Nuraini, SNM Mohamad, H Sulaiman, F Shahbodin, ...
Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology 101 (7), 2771-2782, 2023
Personalized learning environment (PLE) experience in the twenty-first century: review of the literature
CKNCK Mohd, F Shahbodin
Pattern Analysis, Intelligent Security and the Internet of Things, 179-192, 2015
Issues and challenges from teachers’ perceptions in creating online learning in the midst of covid-19 pandemic
C Mohd, F Shahbodin
Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology 99 (12), 3039-3049, 2021
Factors affecting the effective online collaborative learning environment
SN Razali, F Shahbodin, H Hussin, N Bakar
Pattern analysis, intelligent security and the internet of things, 215-224, 2015
Measuring validity and reliability of perception of online collaborative learning questionnaire using rasch model
SN Razali, F Shahbodin, MH Ahmad, H Nor
International Journal on Advanced Science Engineering Information Technology …, 2016
Enhanced student soft skills through integrated online project based collaborative learning
SN Razali, HAM Noor, MH Ahmad, F Shahbodin
International Journal of Advanced and Applied Sciences 4 (3), 59-67, 2017
Significance of mobile learning in learning Mathematics
M Atan, F Shahbodin
Matec web of conferences 150, 05049, 2018
Developing Computational Thinking Ability in Early Childhood Education: The Influence of Programming Toy on Parent-Children Engagement.
CW Budiyanto, F Shahbodin, MU Khoirul Umam, R Isnaini, A Rahmawati, ...
Online Submission 5 (1), 19-25, 2021
Visual perception games for autistic learners: Design & development
CKNCK Mohd, F Shahbodin, Z Jano, AH Azni
Proceedings of the 2019 Asia Pacific Information Technology Conference, 5-11, 2019
Personalized learning environment (PLE) approach: Preliminary analysis in Malaysian’s secondary school
C Mohd, F Shahbodin, ANC Pee, C Hanapi
International Journal of Computer and Information Technology 2 (03), 2279-0764, 2013
Learning-analytics based intelligent simulator for personalised learning
NM Sharef, MAA Murad, EI Mansor, NA Nasharuddin, MK Omar, ...
2020 International Conference on Advancement in Data Science, E-learning and …, 2020
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Articles 1–20