yury chesnokov
yury chesnokov
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Crystal channeling and its application at high-energy accelerators
VM Biryukov, YA Chesnokov, VI Kotov
Springer Science & Business Media, 2013
High-efficiency beam extraction and collimation using channeling in very short bent crystals
AG Afonin, VT Baranov, VM Biryukov, MBH Breese, VN Chepegin, ...
Physical review letters 87 (9), 094802, 2001
High-efficiency volume reflection of an ultrarelativistic proton beam with a bent silicon crystal
W Scandale, DA Still, A Carnera, G Della Mea, D De Salvador, R Milan, ...
Physical review letters 98 (15), 154801, 2007
Observation of channeling for 6500 GeV/c protons in the crystal assisted collimation setup for LHC
W Scandale, G Arduini, M Butcher, F Cerutti, M Garattini, S Gilardoni, ...
Physics Letters B 758, 129-133, 2016
First results on the SPS beam collimation with bent crystals
W Scandale, G Arduini, R Assmann, C Bracco, S Gilardoni, V Ippolito, ...
Physics Letters B 692 (2), 78-82, 2010
Experimental study for the feasibility of a crystalline undulator
S Bellucci, S Bini, VM Biryukov, YA Chesnokov, S Dabagov, G Giannini, ...
Physical Review Letters 90 (3), 034801, 2003
Volume reflection of a proton beam in a bent crystal
YM Ivanov, AA Petrunin, VV Skorobogatov, YA Gavrikov, AV Gelamkov, ...
Physical review letters 97 (14), 144801, 2006
Comparative results on collimation of the SPS beam of protons and Pb ions with bent crystals
W Scandale, G Arduini, R Assmann, C Bracco, F Cerutti, J Christiansen, ...
Physics Letters B 703 (5), 547-551, 2011
Results of bent crystal channeling and collimation at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider
RP Fliller III, A Drees, D Gassner, L Hammons, G McIntyre, S Peggs, ...
Physical Review Special Topics—Accelerators and Beams 9 (1), 013501, 2006
Volume Reflection Dependence of Protons on the Bent Crystal Curvature
W Scandale, A Vomiero, S Baricordi, P Dalpiaz, M Fiorini, V Guidi, ...
Physical review letters 101 (23), 234801, 2008
Channeling of high energy beams in nanotubes
S Bellucci, VM Biryukov, YA Chesnokov, V Guidi, W Scandale
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam …, 2003
High-efficiency deflection of high-energy protons through axial channeling in a bent crystal
W Scandale, A Vomiero, S Baricordi, P Dalpiaz, M Fiorini, V Guidi, ...
Physical review letters 101 (16), 164801, 2008
Deflection of proton beam with bent silicon crystals <?format ?>at the CERN Super Proton Synchrotron
W Scandale, A Carnera, G Della Mea, D De Salvador, R Milan, A Vomiero, ...
Physical Review Special Topics—Accelerators and Beams 11 (6), 063501, 2008
Strong reduction of the off-momentum halo in crystal assisted collimation of the SPS beam
W Scandale, G Arduini, R Assmann, F Cerutti, S Gilardoni, E Laface, ...
Physics Letters B 714 (2-5), 231-236, 2012
Steering of high-energy charged-particle beams by bent single crystals
VM Biryukov, VI Kotov, YA Chesnokov
Physics-Uspekhi 37 (10), 937, 1994
High-efficiency multipass extraction of 70-GeV protons from an accelerator with a short bent crystal
AG Afonin, AA Arkhipenko, VI Baranov, VM Biryukov, YA Chesnokov, ...
Physics Letters B 435 (1-2), 240-244, 1998
RHIC crystal collimation
RP Fliller III, A Drees, D Gassner, L Hammons, G McIntyre, S Peggs, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam …, 2005
Crystal collimation as an option for the large hadron colliders
VM Biryukov, VN Chepegin, YA Chesnokov, V Guidi, W Scandale
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam …, 2005
Experimental study of the radiation emitted by electrons and positrons volume-reflected in a bent crystal
W Scandale, A Vomiero, S Baricordi, P Dalpiaz, M Fiorini, V Guidi, ...
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 79 (1), 012903, 2009
First results of experiments on high-efficiency single-crystal extraction of protons from the u-70 accelerator
AG Afonin, VM Biryukov, VA Gavrilushkin, VN Gres’, BA Zelenov, VI Kotov, ...
Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics Letters 67, 781-785, 1998
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Articles 1–20