Alan Frendy Koropitan
Alan Frendy Koropitan
IPB University
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Cited by
Concentration and adsorption of Pb and Cu in microplastics: case study in aquatic environment
AIS Purwiyanto, Y Suteja, PS Ningrum, WAE Putri, F Agustriani, ...
Marine pollution bulletin 158, 111380, 2020
The deposition of atmospheric microplastics in Jakarta-Indonesia: The coastal urban area
AIS Purwiyanto, T Prartono, E Riani, Y Naulita, MR Cordova, AF Koropitan
Marine pollution bulletin 174, 113195, 2022
Influences of physical processes on the ecosystem of Jakarta Bay: a coupled physical–ecosystem model experiment
AF Koropitan, M Ikeda, A Damar, Y Yamanaka
ICES Journal of Marine Science 66 (2), 336-348, 2009
Three-dimensional modeling of tidal circulation and mixing over the Java Sea
AF Koropitan, M Ikeda
Journal of Oceanography 64, 61-80, 2008
Confronting climate change and livelihood: smallholder farmers’ perceptions and adaptation strategies in northeastern Burundi
P Batungwanayo, V Habarugira, M Vanclooster, J Ndimubandi, ...
Regional Environmental Change 23 (1), 47, 2023
Cohesive sediment transport modeling on inner Ambon Bay
YA Noya, M Purba, AF Koropitan, T Prartono
Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Kelautan Tropis 8 (2), 671-687, 2016
Primary productivity of Jakarta Bay in a changing environment: anthropogenic and climate change impacts
V Siregar, AF Koropitan
Biotropia 20 (2), 89-103, 2013
Influences of physical processes and anthropogenic influx on biogeochemical cycle in the Java Sea: numerical model experiment
AF Koropitan, M Ikeda
Procedia Environmental Sciences 33, 532-552, 2016
The contribution of estuaries to the abundance of microplastics in Jakarta Bay, Indonesia
AIS Purwiyanto, T Prartono, E Riani, AF Koropitan, Y Naulita, ND Takarina, ...
Marine Pollution Bulletin 184, 114117, 2022
Study of heavy metal distribution and hydrodynamic simulation in green mussel culture net, Cilincing water-Jakarta Bay
AF Koropitan, MR Cordova
Makara Journal of Science, 89-96, 2017
Profil akumulasi sedimen di area restorasi mangrove, Teluk Lembar Pulau Lombok
MS Paputungan, AF Koropitan, T Prartono, AA Lubis
J. Ilmu dan Teknologi Kelautan Tropis 9 (1), 301-313, 2017
Response of Sea Surface Temperature (SST) and Chlorophyll-a on Madden Julian Oscillation (MJO) in Indonesian Seas
N Balbeid, AS Atmadipoera, AF Koropitan
Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Kelautan Tropis 7 (2), 553-572, 2015
Analisis diagram TS berdasarkan parameter oseanografis di perairan selat Lombok
L Harvianto, M Parengkuan, AF Koropitan, T Agustiadi
Journal of Technology 1 (1), 101-117, 2015
Creating blue carbon opportunities in the maritime archipelago Indonesia
D Murdiyarso, E Sukara, J Supriatna, A Koropitan, S Mumbunan, ...
CIFOR, 2018
Ecological vulnerability of coral reef ecosystem in Wakatobi National Park during Indian ocean dipole event
HH Madduppa, AF Koropitan, A Damar, B Subhan, M Taufik, ...
HAYATI Journal of Biosciences 27 (1), 57-57, 2020
Pemodelan hidrodinamika arus pasang surut Teluk Mayalibit kabupaten Raja Ampat provinsi papua barat
AS Budiman, AF Koropitan, IW Nurjaya
Depik 3 (2), 2014
Land use change and its impact to marine primary production in Semarang Waters
V Siregar, AF Koropitan
Procedia Environmental Sciences 33, 520-531, 2016
Coral governance
VPH Nikijuluw, L Adrianto, DG Bengen, MFA Sondita, D Monintja, HY Siry, ...
Pemodelan Pola Arus dan Sebaran Konsentrasi Tembaga (Cu) Terlarut di Teluk Jakarta
HS Sanusi, AF Koropitan, H Haeruddin, AK Nugraha
ILMU KELAUTAN: Indonesian Journal of Marine Sciences 10 (3), 165-168, 2005
Coastal water properties and hydrodynamic processes in the Malacca Strait: Case study northeastern coast of Sumatra, Indonesia
AF Koropitan, TA Barus, MR Cordova
Journal of Ecological Engineering 22 (11), 2021
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Articles 1–20