Alexander Grishaev
Alexander Grishaev
National Institute of Standards and Technology
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Weak alignment NMR: a hawk-eyed view of biomolecular structure
A Bax, A Grishaev
Current opinion in structural biology 15 (5), 563-570, 2005
Structure/function implications in a dynamic complex of the intrinsically disordered Sic1 with the Cdc4 subunit of an SCF ubiquitin ligase
T Mittag, J Marsh, A Grishaev, S Orlicky, H Lin, F Sicheri, M Tyers, ...
Structure 18 (4), 494-506, 2010
Refinement of multidomain protein structures by combination of solution small-angle X-ray scattering and NMR data
A Grishaev, J Wu, J Trewhella, A Bax
Journal of the American Chemical Society 127 (47), 16621-16628, 2005
Consistent view of polypeptide chain expansion in chemical denaturants from multiple experimental methods
A Borgia, W Zheng, K Buholzer, MB Borgia, A Schüler, H Hofmann, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2016
Improved fitting of solution X-ray scattering data to macromolecular structures and structural ensembles by explicit water modeling
A Grishaev, L Guo, T Irving, A Bax
Journal of the American Chemical Society 132 (44), 15484-15486, 2010
Limits on variations in protein backbone dynamics from precise measurements of scalar couplings
B Vögeli, J Ying, A Grishaev, A Bax
Journal of the American Chemical Society 129 (30), 9377-9385, 2007
Refined solution structure of the 82-kDa enzyme malate synthase G from joint NMR and synchrotron SAXS restraints
A Grishaev, V Tugarinov, LE Kay, J Trewhella, A Bax
Journal of biomolecular NMR 40 (2), 95-106, 2008
An empirical backbone-backbone hydrogen-bonding potential in proteins and its applications to NMR structure refinement and validation
A Grishaev, A Bax
Journal of the American Chemical Society 126 (23), 7281-7292, 2004
Structure and dynamics of full-length HIV-1 capsid protein in solution
L Deshmukh, CD Schwieters, A Grishaev, R Ghirlando, JL Baber, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 135 (43), 16133-16147, 2013
Probing the action of chemical denaturant on an intrinsically disordered protein by simulation and experiment
W Zheng, A Borgia, K Buholzer, A Grishaev, B Schuler, RB Best
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2016
Solution structure of the 128 kDa enzyme I dimer from Escherichia coli and its 146 kDa complex with HPr using residual dipolar couplings and small-and wide-angle X-ray scattering
CD Schwieters, JY Suh, A Grishaev, R Ghirlando, Y Takayama, GM Clore
Journal of the American Chemical Society 132 (37), 13026-13045, 2010
Site-specific backbone amide 15N chemical shift anisotropy tensors in a small protein from liquid crystal and cross-correlated relaxation measurements
L Yao, A Grishaev, G Cornilescu, A Bax
Journal of the American Chemical Society 132 (12), 4295-4309, 2010
CLOUDS, a protocol for deriving a molecular proton density via NMR
A Grishaev, M Llinás
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 99 (10), 6707-6712, 2002
Solution structure of tRNAVal from refinement of homology model against residual dipolar coupling and SAXS data
A Grishaev, J Ying, MD Canny, A Pardi, A Bax
Journal of biomolecular NMR 42 (2), 99-109, 2008
Synaptic arrangement of the neuroligin/β-neurexin complex revealed by X-ray and neutron scattering
D Comoletti, A Grishaev, AE Whitten, I Tsigelny, P Taylor, J Trewhella
Structure 15 (6), 693-705, 2007
The impact of hydrogen bonding on amide 1H chemical shift anisotropy studied by cross-correlated relaxation and liquid crystal NMR spectroscopy
L Yao, A Grishaev, G Cornilescu, A Bax
Journal of the American Chemical Society 132 (31), 10866-10875, 2010
Phosphorylation-induced conformational dynamics in an intrinsically disordered protein and potential role in phenotypic heterogeneity
P Kulkarni, MK Jolly, D Jia, SM Mooney, A Bhargava, LT Kagohara, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 201700082, 2017
Improved cross validation of a static ubiquitin structure derived from high precision residual dipolar couplings measured in a drug-based liquid crystalline phase
AS Maltsev, A Grishaev, J Roche, M Zasloff, A Bax
Journal of the American Chemical Society 136 (10), 3752-3755, 2014
Internal Dynamics of the Homotrimeric HIV‐1 Viral Coat Protein gp41 on Multiple Time Scales
NA Lakomek, JD Kaufman, SJ Stahl, JM Louis, A Grishaev, PT Wingfield, ...
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 52 (14), 3911-3915, 2013
Structural basis of hAT transposon end recognition by Hermes, an octameric DNA transposase from Musca domestica
AB Hickman, HE Ewis, X Li, JA Knapp, T Laver, AL Doss, G Tolun, ...
Cell 158 (2), 353-367, 2014
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Articles 1–20