David Hodkin
Cited by
Cited by
Coprecipitation of 14C and Sr with carbonate precipitates: the importance of reaction kinetics and recrystallization pathways
DJ Hodkin, DI Stewart, JT Graham, IT Burke
Science of the Total Environment 562, 335-343, 2016
Enhanced crystallographic incorporation of strontium (II) ions into calcite via preferential adsorption at obtuse growth steps
DJ Hodkin, DI Stewart, JT Graham, G Cibin, IT Burke
Crystal Growth & Design 18 (5), 2836-2843, 2018
Coprecipitation of Mixed Radionuclides from Large Volumes of Nuclear Waste Water Via Carbonate Coprecipitation Reactions
DJ Hodkin
University of Leeds, 2018
Enhanced Crystallographic incorporation of Strontium (II) ions to Calcite via Preferential Adsorption at Obtuse growth steps
DJ Hodkin, DI Stewart, JT Graham, G Cibin, IT Burke
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Articles 1–4