Chuan-Ming Liu
Chuan-Ming Liu
Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering, National Taipei University of Technology
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Cited by
Portfolio optimization-based stock prediction using long-short term memory network in quantitative trading
VD Ta, CM Liu, DA Tadesse
Applied Sciences 10 (2), 437, 2020
Big data stream computing in healthcare real-time analytics
VD Ta, CM Liu, GW Nkabinde
2016 IEEE international conference on cloud computing and big data analysis …, 2016
Distributed clustering algorithms for data-gathering in wireless mobile sensor networks
CM Liu, CH Lee, LC Wang
Journal of parallel and distributed computing 67 (11), 1187-1200, 2007
Query processing in broadcasted spatial index trees
S Hambrusch, CM Liu, WG Aref, S Prabhakar
International Symposium on Spatial and Temporal Databases, 502-521, 2001
Predicting clinical scores for Alzheimer’s disease based on joint and deep learning
B Lei, E Liang, M Yang, P Yang, F Zhou, EL Tan, Y Lei, CM Liu, T Wang, ...
Expert Systems with Applications 187, 115966, 2022
Optimal number of clusters in dense wireless sensor networks: A cross-layer approach
LC Wang, CW Wang, CM Liu
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 58 (2), 966-976, 2008
Enhanced two-factor authentication and key agreement using dynamic identities in wireless sensor networks
IP Chang, TF Lee, TH Lin, CM Liu
Sensors 15 (12), 29841-29854, 2015
A secure smart-card based authentication and key agreement scheme for telecare medicine information systems
TF Lee, CM Liu
Journal of medical systems 37, 1-8, 2013
Effective protocols for kNN search on broadcast multi-dimensional index trees
CM Liu, SY Fu
Information Systems 33 (1), 18-35, 2008
A vision-based driver nighttime assistance and surveillance system based on intelligent image sensing techniques and a heterogamous dual-core embedded system architecture
YL Chen, HH Chiang, CY Chiang, CM Liu, SM Yuan, JH Wang
Sensors 12 (3), 2373-2399, 2012
Power efficient communication protocols for data gathering on mobile sensor networks
CM Liu, CH Lee
IEEE 60th Vehicular Technology Conference, 2004. VTC2004-Fall. 2004 7, 4635-4639, 2004
Prediction and portfolio optimization in quantitative trading using machine learning techniques
VD Ta, CM Liu, D Addis
Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Information and …, 2018
Intention modeling from ordered and unordered facets for sequential recommendation
X Guo, C Shi, C Liu
Proceedings of The Web Conference 2020, 1127-1137, 2020
Enhancing the key pre-distribution scheme on wireless sensor networks
TH Shan, CM Liu
2008 IEEE Asia-Pacific Services Computing Conference, 1127-1131, 2008
An effective probabilistic skyline query process on uncertain data streams
CM Liu, SW Tang
Procedia Computer Science 63, 40-47, 2015
A concurrent transmission MAC protocol for enhancing throughout and avoiding spectrum sensing in cognitive radio
LC Wang, CW Wang, YC Lu, CM Liu
2007 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference, 121-126, 2007
Broadcasting and querying multi-dimensional index trees in a multi-channel environment
S Hambrusch, CM Liu, S Prabhakar
Information Systems 31 (8), 870-886, 2006
An intelligent knowledge-based and customizable home care system framework with ubiquitous patient monitoring and alerting techniques
YL Chen, HH Chiang, CW Yu, CY Chiang, CM Liu, JH Wang
Sensors 12 (8), 11154-11186, 2012
Power-efficient communication algorithms for wireless mobile sensor networks
CM Liu, CH Lee, LC Wang
Proceedings of the 1st ACM international workshop on Performance evaluation …, 2004
Enhancing the performance of locating data in chord-based p2p systems
YC Wu, CM Liu, JH Wang
2008 14th IEEE International Conference on parallel and distributed systems …, 2008
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Articles 1–20