Mohamed Maryoud
Mohamed Maryoud
Assistant Professor, Jazan University
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Cited by
Cited by
Inflammatory bacteriome featuring Fusobacterium nucleatum and Pseudomonas aeruginosa identified in association with oral squamous cell carcinoma
NN Al-Hebshi, AT Nasher, MY Maryoud, HE Homeida, T Chen, AM Idris, ...
Scientific reports 7 (1), 1834, 2017
Effectiveness of an intervention program on knowledge of oral cancer among the youth of Jazan, Saudi Arabia
MFA Quadri, SM Saleh, R Alsanosy, SI Abdelwahab, FM Tobaigy, ...
Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention 15 (5), 1913-1918, 2014
Inflammatory bacteriome featuring Fusobacterium nucleatum and Pseudomonas aeruginosa identified in association with oral squamous cell carcinoma. Sci Rep. 2017; 7 (1): 1834
NN Al-Hebshi, AT Nasher, MY Maryoud, HE Homeida, T Chen, AM Idris
The bacteriome and mycobiome associated with oral squamous cell carcinoma: metagenomic analysis of samples from Yemeni and Sri Lankan cohorts
N Al-hebshi, M Perera, I Perera, D Ipe, G Ulett, D Speicher, A Nasher, ...
Journal of Oral Microbiology 9 (sup1), 1325188, 2017
Inflammatory bacteriome featuring Fusobacterium nucleatumand Pseudomonas aeruginosaidentified in association with oral squamous cell carcinoma
NN Al-hebshi, AT Nasher, MY Maryoud, HE Homeida, T Chen, AM Idris, ...
Age (meanąSD) 53 (10.4), 52.3-8.9, 0
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