Dr. M.K., Kianian Golafshani
Cited by
Cited by
Monitoring, analysis and spatial and temporal zoning of air pollution (carbon monoxide) using Sentinel-5 satellite data for health management in Iran, located in the Middle East
V Safarianzengir, B Sobhani, MH Yazdani, M Kianian
Air Quality, Atmosphere & Health 13, 709-719, 2020
Drought monitoring in the Lake Urmia basin in Iran
B Sobhani, VS Zengir, MK Kianian
Arabian Journal of Geosciences 12, 1-15, 2019
Modeling, monitoring and prediction of drought in Iran
B Sobhani, V Safarian Zengir, MK Kianian
Iranica Journal of Energy & Environment 10 (3), 216-224, 2019
Potentiometric mapping for wind turbine power plant installation Guilan province in Iran
B Sobhani, VZ Safarian, MK Kianian
Journal of Applied Sciences and Environmental Management 22 (8), 1363-1368, 2018
Prioritization of preventing social indices affecting on peoples' participation in natural resources plans using AHP method and nonparametric tests
A Salehpour Jam, F Rasooli, A Sarreshtehdari, J Mosaffaie, MK Kianian
Watershed Engineering and Management 12 (1), 330-339, 2020
Floristic composition, life forms and geographical distribution (case study: Lashgardar rangelands of Malayer, Iran).
Z Jafari, MK Kianian, F Aslani, M Akbarlo
Investigation of pedological criterion on land degradation in quaternary rock units (case study: Rude-Shoor watershed area)
Desert 12 (1), 77-84, 2007
Drought monitoring in the Lake Urmia basin in Iran. Arab J Geosci 12: 448
B Sobhani, V Safarianzengir, MK Kianian
Forage quality of endangered species of Astragalus fridae Rech. F. in Semnan province, Iran
S Naseri, MA Adibi, MK Kianian
Journal of Rangeland Science 7 (4), 387-399, 2017
Effects of Drought Stress and Mycorrhiza on Viability and Vegetative Growth Characteristics of Ziziphora clinopodioides Lam.
MKK Reyhaneh Azimi, Golam Ali Heshmati
Journal of Rangeland Science 8 (3), 253-263, 2018
Monitoring of aerosols and studying its effects on the environment and humans health in Iran
A Madadi, AH Sadr, A Kashani, AG Gilandeh, V Safarianzengir, M Kianian
Environmental Geochemistry and Health 43, 317-331, 2021
Monitoring and analysis of changes in the depth and surface area snow of the Mountains in Iran using remote sensing data
V Safarianzengir, L Mahmoudi, RM Meresht, B Abad, K Rajabi, M Kianian
Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing 48, 1479-1494, 2020
Investigation and prioritizing preventing factors of people participation in natural resources plans, case study: Kan watershed area, Tehran, Iran
A Mansouri, A Salehpourjam, M Mohammadi, MK Kianian
2nd National Conference on Conservation of Natural Resources and Environment …, 2016
Studying arbuscular mycorrhiza symbiotic effects on establishment and morphological characteristics of Bromus kopetdaghensis in cadmium contaminated soil
R Azimi, S Hossein Jafari, MK Kianian, V Khaksarzade, A Amini
Taiwan Water Conservancy, 82-91, 2016
Modeling, monitoring and prediction of drought in Iran. Iranian (Iranica) J Energy Environ 10: 216–224
B Sobhani, V Safarianzengir, MK Kianian
A comparison of environmental and vegetation variables between Carpinus betulus and C.× schuschaensis stands in Naghibdeh and Mazdeh forests (Sari, Mazandaran) and introducing …
MR Borji, H Ravanbakhsh, B Hamzeh’ee, M Amiri, MK Kianian
Iranian Journal of Forest and Poplar Research 26 (2), 189-201, 2018
Role of plant species and ecological patches in conserving and fixing natural landsʹ soil using landscape functional analysis (LFA)(Case study: Dehbar rangeland, Torghabeh …
R Azimi, GA Heshmati, MK Kianian, S Hossein Jafari, D Zakeri
Journal of Rangeland Science 8 (2), 166-175, 2018
Assessment and zoning of suitable climate for economic development of cultivation of Sunflower (Helianthus annuus) garden crop (Ardabil Province, Iran)
A Fatahi, V Safarian Zengir, B Sobhani, M Kianian, A Ghahremani
European Journal of Horticultural Science 87 (1), 1-12, 2022
The effect of different soil remediation methods on growth and primary establishment of Pistacia atlantica Desf., Quercus infectoria Oliv., Melia azedarach L. and Cupressus …
O Maghsodian, M Mollashahi, AR Moshki, H Ravanbakhsh, MK Kianian
Iranian Journal of Forest 13 (1), 59-72, 2021
Monitoring and prediction of dust and investigating its environmental impacts in the Western Half of Iran and the Eastern Borders of Turkey and Iraq, using remote sensing and GIS
L Mahmoudi, SA Doumari, V Safarianzengir, R Maleki, S Kianinejad, ...
Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing 49, 713-724, 2021
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